save your life
Former CIA Officer Jason R. Hanson wants to
share with you personal protection secrets
99% of Americans will never know about.
"I've already shown men and women all over the nation how to safely handle a firearm… how to protect their family from a deadly home invasion… and how to carry a concealed handgun in more than 27 states..."
"And now, I want to show you how to confidently protect yourself –
without your risking a single penny."
Below is one of the awards I received while at the Agency.

I'm the author of The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry: Confessions of a Former CIA Officer. And, I'm a contributing writer to Concealed Carry Magazine, Personal and Home Defense Magazine, and Combat Handguns Magazine, to name a few.
The reason I share this with you is because I'd like to invite you to a one-of-a-kind event that could forever change your life, as it has already done for so many others.
For instance, Andrew Fannon of Fairfax, VA calls this event "Amazing."
Tony Teagle of St. George, UT thought it was "spectacular" and Chip Bateman of Miami, FL says it was "Truly a fantastic experience!"
So, what exactly is this event?
In short, it's called the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience.
It's a special event I've put together where I'm going to reveal firearms and personal protection secrets I can pretty much guarantee you haven't heard anywhere else, because I gained them thanks in part to the CIA.
More importantly, during this event, you will not only learn how to better protect yourself and your family, but the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience will help you to qualify for one of the nation's most valuable concealed firearms permits. (More on this in a moment.)
As James Dunner of Las Vegas, NV says, "Like life insurance, Jason's concealed carry course is a no brainer. I recommend it to anyone concerned about crime and defending their family in an increasingly unpredictable world."
"The Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience is much more than a class on navigating around town with a handgun. If you've ever felt your heart pounding after hearing a strange bump in the night or felt uncomfortable with the guys hanging out near your local playground, take this class. Jason and his professional staff will turn any apprehension you might have about handguns into enthusiasm. And, you will feel much better equipped to protect yourself and your family in a dangerous situation" says Sally Sanford of Salt Lake City, UT.
And Laura Petry of Detroit, MI told me...
"I loved my experience... Jason is such a dynamic instructor you will leave having learned a few things even if you think you know guns. And, they made it so easy, virtually fool-proof to get your... permits."
The bottom line is, few things in life are as important as your personal safety and the safety of your loved ones...
So let me give you the complete details of the life-saving information revealed during the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience so you can decide if it's right for you...
The 4 critical safety rules
First off, since the most important aspect of carrying a gun is safety, it's the first thing I cover during the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience.
For instance, a 53-year-old father of two who was looking to purchase his first firearm sent me the following email...
"I've thought about getting a gun. However, I'm scared. The last thing I want is the gun to go off in my hands, my kids to find it and shoot and kill someone, me to fumble with it when someone goes into my house, it misfiring in my car and hurting someone."
I bet you've had similar thoughts, and if so, it's completely natural.
That's why one of the first things I do is thoroughly cover the 4 critical gun safety rules.
If you follow these 4 simple rules you'll NEVER have to worry about having a firearms accident. I will even demonstrate each rule using a plastic training gun.
Better yet...
I will also show you the storage device I use to ensure that nobody can gain access to my firearm -- It's what I use so that my daughter can never get my gun -- This storage device can be opened in about two seconds and is perfect for home defense.
I will also cover when you should never handle a firearm (and why)… when to keep your firearm unloaded versus loaded… and what you should teach your children to do if they ever come across a firearm without an adult present… and much more.
And here's my promise to you:
There's nothing more important when it comes to firearms training than safety.
That's why I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have to ensure you feel 100% comfortable when it comes to the handling of a firearm for self-defense.
Because as John Peterson of Springfield, IL says, "When it comes to protecting your family, you don't think twice, you just do it. With Jason's class, it gave me the confidence & knowledge that I need about owning a firearm in my own home. Thanks Jason... Keep up the good work!
And that's just the beginning of what you'll get during the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience.
In fact, this next topic may be the most important of all...
"The Slayings of Seven People"
The fact is, home invasions are on the rise all over the country…
"The slayings of seven people during a home-invasion robbery in Indianapolis last week spotlights a trend in several cities around the nation: This terrifying crime is on the rise," says USA Today.
Plus, every 14.6 seconds a burglary takes place in the U.S.… and… 60% of rapes occur during a home invasion.
Let me ask you this…
If your front door suddenly exploded at 3:00am and criminals rushed into your house, would you know exactly what to do?
Do you know the critical first step you should take during a home invasion? (This single act could ensure that absolutely no harm comes to you or your family.)
Well, during the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience you'll learn exactly how to handle home invasion situations.
Even better, I'll reveal the simple steps you can take to greatly reduce the chances of ever being targeted for a home invasion in the first place. (You'll be amazed at these simple secrets I learned from the Agency.)
In addition, should you ever find someone in your home, I will share with you the three things to say to the intruder that should get them to instantly flee your house.
Perhaps, most importantly…
I will reveal the one critical mistake you could make if you ever have to shoot an intruder in self-defense… and how to avoid it. (This mistake could land you in jail for a long time, even if you're innocent.)
Quite frankly, this portion of the event should not only be watched by you, but your spouse too. After all, when you head off to work and leave your family every day, do they know how to protect themselves?
In other words, your spouse and children need this home protection information as much, if not more than you do.
The good news is, after this event you'll sleep better at night knowing how to avoid becoming a victim of a deadly home invasion.
In fact, here's a note Irene Bischel of New York, NY sent me...
"Thanks for a very informative experience, Jason… your delivery and personal anecdotes made it more life-like and entertaining. I feel safer at night in my home alone..."
And Sally Kristopher of Cedar City, UT told me…
"My husband and I attended the Ultimate Concealed Carry class this weekend and were very impressed with our experience. We would highly recommend this class to anyone who has a firearm or is considering purchasing one for home defense."
Now let's get to the other critical topics I'll cover during the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience.
The Best Gun for Self-Defense
- You'll discover what I believe is the #1 gun for self-defense. I'll show you the make and model I recommend, and you'll see my personal concealed carry gun (along with my favorite holster and the holsters you want to avoid like the plague.)
- You'll discover how to save a small fortune when it comes to buying your first gun. (This secret could save you hundreds and even thousands of dollars.)
- I'll share with you how to decide if you should carry a semi-automatic or a revolver. (I'll show you both types of guns including my favorite semi-auto and revolver.)
- And perhaps most importantly, I'll reveal advice you should NEVER take when it comes to buying a gun. (You'll probably be surprised at the answer.)
If you learn nothing else, this information on choosing the right firearm could be the difference between surviving an attack and ending up six feet under.
The fact is, Mandy Boris of Vienna, VA told me, "I really enjoyed Jason's Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience class... Jason broke everything into understandable pieces. Different types of guns, ammunition and holsters. He explained all the main points of choosing a gun, the pros and cons of different alternatives."
How to Properly Fire a Gun
- Better yet, after I reveal how to choose the perfect gun for you... I'll show you the simple, but critical elements of becoming a deadly accurate shooter. These are accuracy secrets not 1 in 1,000 gun owners is aware of.
- You'll also see the #1 way to improve your shooting skills, which is both cheap and time efficient.
- And, you'll see the single biggest mistake people make when learning to shoot a gun and how to fix this in less than 30 seconds.
And one of the most important things I cover concerns ammunition for your gun. After all, you can't do much with a gun if you don't have the proper ammunition for it.
- For instance, I'm going to show you how to ensure you always use the correct ammunition in your gun. (And the three easy ways to check for this.)
- I'll also reveal the difference between practice ammunition and self-defense ammunition. (And I'll show you the critical characteristics to look for in self-defense ammo… including the top brands I recommend.)
Holsters and Other Gear
Of course, once you've chosen the right gun and ammunition, you'll also need to know how to choose the right holster to carry your gun, right?
- That's why I'll show you the #1 way to carry a concealed firearm and I'll even demonstrate the holster I personally use.
- You'll also learn about ankle holsters, shoulder holsters, cross draw holsters, and the pros and cons of each.
- Plus, I'll demonstrate how to properly draw a gun from a holster, and I'll give you the simple secret that could help you increase your speed overnight.
- And if that wasn't enough, I'll reveal other personal protection gear you should consider using, including knives, tactical pens, and flashlights.
Get this: Kelly Lodi of York, PA told me…
"I had really high expectations leading up to this class. Mostly because of the credentials that Jason Hanson, the instructor, has achieved. I'm happy to report that the Concealed Carry Class lived up to all of my expectations and more. If I were doing this on my own, I would have been left with a lot more questions about things like firearms, ammo and holsters."
And, as important as guns, ammo, and holsters are, let me share with you the part of the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience that almost everyone raves about and says it's their favorite, by far...
Self-Defense and Concealed Carry Laws
- You see, I'm going to share with you when deadly force is justified and the three elements, which must be met. (I'll tell you a few personal stories and you'll get several examples to make it crystal clear when you're allowed to shoot someone in self-defense.)
- Of utmost importance, I'll cover when you can and cannot shoot someone during a home invasion. (The answer is probably not what you think.)
- I'll show you where you're allowed to carry concealed and where you're prohibited from carrying a gun. (Including the laws on restaurants that serve alcohol… national parks… churches… schools… and other facilities.)
- I'm also going to share with you a critical federal law that many gun owners mistakenly violate, which could put you in jail for up to 10 years!
- And, I'm going to reveal the following, which could keep you from getting in a heap of trouble: The exact words to say to a police officer if you're ever pulled over while carrying concealed (and the one word you should never say.)
As Julie Jenson of Manassas Park, VA told me, "I always thought I knew the laws regarding defending your home, boy was I wrong. Jason's class teaches you everything you need to know to protect yourself and your family, and not get into any trouble doing so. Thanks Jason!"
But now, I want to share with you what I believe is the single most important training I gained from the Agency...
Situational Awareness
Put simply, I'm going to show you the secret of avoiding a gunfight in the first place... Which involves a color code that shows you how to spot an attacker. This is, without a doubt, the simplest way to become victim-proof.
I'll even tell you the story of how I recently used this secret to thwart an attack against myself and my wife, while walking to Baltimore's Inner Harbor.
As Jackson Grayson of Atlantic City, NJ says, "At the very minimum, the situational awareness information is something everyone should have. Thanks for a great class..."
And Mitch Michaels of Temecula, CA notes, "Although I may never feel the need to carry a firearm in the future, this class has given me the awareness/foresight to be prepared for any defensive situation, and that there are always alternatives to deadly force as well. Thank you Jason!"
Of course, there's lots more covered during the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience, but I don't want to reveal everything in this letter for the world to see. I'm sure you understand.
But, here's one thing I will tell you…
FREE gifts
Since nothing in the world is more important than the safety of your family, I'm going to give you several FREE personal protection gifts when you take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience.Here's a list of everything you get...

- FREE copy of The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry: Confessions of a former CIA Officer. You'll get a copy of my popular book that covers everything you need to know about concealed carry. In the past, the only way to get this book was ordering it from Amazon, but now it's yours free.
In the first chapter you'll learn, "How the CIA and My Top Secret SecurityClearance Could Help Save Your Life." Chapter three discusses, "The Single Most Important Factor of Concealed Carry Tradecraft." And chapter 13 covers a topic you don't want to miss: "How to Legally Handle the Aftermath of a Shooting." You'll have instant access to this book when you sign up for the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience. ($19.95 value)
- 108-Point Home Security Checklist: This checklist is usually reserved for my private clients who pay me $500 for a home security analysis. As one client says…
"Jason provided expert advice on emergency preparedness, including the need to have an actionable plan, and to purchase essential supplies and tools to ensure my family would be safe and survive a disaster. He spent most of the time conducting a thorough security audit/survey of the exterior and interior of my home, using a very detailed, structured process.
He identified the "gaps" in my home security posture and clearly explained his security recommendations to ensure I implemented a "layered defense" approach. I believe the benefit I received from his expertise was worth much more than the $500 consultation fee and will greatly increase the security situation for my family."
~ George Kline, Great Falls, VA
Now you don't have to pay $500 to get this checklist because it's yours free. As soon as you finish the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience I recommend taking out the checklist to make your home as intruder-proof as possible. ($500 value)
Defensive Pistol Targets: To help you improve your shooting skills while at the range, I'm going to give you two of my targets from the defensive pistol courses I teach. The first target is called the "3 Circles" target and the second one I call the "Snowman Drill" target. Both targets will help you learn how to quickly engage multiple threats and find the right balance between speed and precision. And just like James below, practicing on these targets will likely improve your confidence when it comes to defending yourself…
"This is the 3rd time I am trying to come up with a way of summing up my experience in you class on Sat. I have struggled to put into words how I felt. Right after the class was over, I raced out, driving home thinking of how much I gained from it. In talking to my wife, I realized how much she would absolutely love the class and gain from it. She would never be comfortable taking a class in an intimidating environment and I worried that she might be intimidated despite your assurance to the contrary. I am confident in telling her that regardless of skill level, you and your staff were tremendous.
I became a thousand times more comfortable with skills that I was afraid to practice at a range before. I felt that starting from the beginning and building through, I was able to build on the skills I had and learn the new ones. I am now confident in walking into any range and practicing so many of the skills we worked on… Not only have I convinced my wife to take the class, I am eagerly awaiting the advanced pistol and looking for a defensive shotgun class. Thank you for providing a non-intimidating, informational and practical class in this essential set of skills. I am looking forward to my next class with you." ($25 value)
~James Bishop, York, PA
Special Report: 30-Day Urban Survival Guide: What you need to know to be self-sufficient for 30 days. With the world we live in today, I believe it's important that all Americans have the ability to sustain themselves for 30 days. This report shows you how much water each person needs per day, including my two favorite ways to store water at home. I also show you how I've personally set up my food storage, and I also cover a few of my favorite survival guns. ($14.95 value)
Free Weekly 'Jason's Journal' E-Letter. Once a week you'll get my "Jason's Journal" e-letter where I'll review a new firearm or show you new gear I'm using or give you up-to-date training tactics to help you better defend yourself. Plus, I cover other information, including how I recently showed people the plans for building a portable target system that can be made from items bought at Home Depot for less than $40 (You'll get those plans for free too.) ($99 value)
Special Report: Simple Home Defense Secrets That Could Save Your Life. This report reveals the three layers of security you should have on your home. Shows you simple steps to take to make your front door virtually intruder-proof. And gives you step-by-step details on how to build a safe room for your family that won't break the bank (including the six critical items to have in your safe room.) ($14.95 value)
Special Report: 7 Ways to Keep Your Family Safer This Year. This report tells the story of how a woman tried to hire me as a bodyguard after she and her son suffered a vicious home invasion. Secrets in this report include a simple $12 gadget, which is one of the easiest ways to deter anintruder. ($14.95 value)
That's several invaluable personal protection gifts you're getting for free… which likely has you asking yourself, "what's the cost of the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience" – right?
From the comfort of your home
Well, before I get to that, let me tell you what many consider to be the best part of the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience.
In short, you can now take it online and get your concealed firearms permit without having to leave your house and spend hours in a classroom.
You see, in the past, people have traveled from all over the country to attend the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience. In fact, not too long ago I had a woman drive all through the night from Illinois to Virginia just to attend.
She traveled over 700 hundred miles and here's what she had to say…
"I attended the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience after driving from Illinois and only having one hour of sleep… I did learn many valuable things through out the course that I can use regardless of the state I live in. The vast majority of this learning, I have actually retained since the class was fun and presented in a way that relates to life and not a book."
~Jessica McGhee, Chicago, IL
The good news is, you no longer have to spend hundreds of dollars on gas… get on an airplane… or even leave your house to take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience.
How is this possible?
The state of Virginia passed a law - §18.2-308 (G) (7) – that allows people to take their concealed carry training online without ever having to step foot in a classroom.
The best part is, it doesn't matter if you're a Virginia resident or not…
You see, Virginia has reciprocity with dozens of states, which is why Americans all over the country are now getting Virginia's permit.
In fact, the Virginia permit has become so popular that Fox News recently ran an article with the headline:
"Virginia's online classes make it easy for out-of-state gun owners to get permits"
The article went on to say, "The commercial courses allow applicants to seek a permit from Virginia that is valid in their state, but without having to meet tougher requirements their home states may impose, such as firing a gun with an instructor."
And a news station in Missouri wrote…
"Missouri residents can get their concealed carry gun permit online without ever having picked up a gun. Officials from Virginia State Police confirm far more Missouri residents are applying for non-resident concealed carry permits since a Virginia law allowed online classes to be sufficient to file for permits."
This online training has been mentioned in several other media outlets, including The Dallas Morning News, Seattle Post Intelligencer, and New York Daily News, to name a few.
So here's how it works….
Let's say you live in the state of Texas.
To get your permit in Texas you have to attend over 10 hours of training… do a live-fire exercise with a handgun where you have to fire a total of 50 rounds from three different distances… and take a 70-question test.
Or, you could simply take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience online, which includes an entertaining video and an easy 20 question quiz (that I give you the answers to) and get your Virginia permit without leaving your house…. and you'd now be able to carry concealed in Texas. (Because Virginia and Texas have reciprocity.)
Or let's say you live in the state of Missouri…
Instead of spending 8 hours training, which is mandatory under Missouri law, you could take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience online right now and be able to carry in Missouri, because Virginia and Missouri have reciprocity.
You could do the same with Arizona, North Carolina, Utah, Ohio, and dozens of other states.
Even if you don't live in one of the states that has reciprocity with Virginia you'll still want to get this permit.
For instance, if you happen to live in a terribly "gun-unfriendly" state, such as California, New York or New Jersey, you can take this online course and be able to carry in dozens of states when you travel.
The bottom line is, whether you're a Virginia resident or not, the ability to take your concealed carry training online is a huge convenience and bonus for all Americans, which is why there has been a great deal of buzz about this in the media, and why tens of thousands of Americans have already taken advantage of this opportunity.
Plus, even if you already have your concealed firearms permit in your home state, you should get your Virginia permit as a form of "insurance."
As a fellow firearms instructor told me, "People carry a Visa and American Express so they have options, and carrying multiple permits gives you options too, especially if you accidentally let one expire."
So let me tell you how you can take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience online right now and how much the investment is…
"Loved this class, best money
spent in quite some time."
~Pat Conklin, Centreville, VA
The truth is, I believe the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience is an incredible bargain, especially considering that just one tidbit of information I share with you could save your life or that of a loved one.
And it's not just me saying this…
"I thoroughly enjoyed the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience. Jason was an excellent instructor, mixing humor, real life experience, stories, and practical tips with the required training topics. I learned a great deal and now will pursue additional training with the Concealed Carry Academy. Well done!"
~ Greg Kuper, Houston, TX
"Excellent… I would say that Jason is at the top of his game. He is an engaging instructor and his classes are highly recommended."
~ Brian Hagan, Pasadena, MD
"This is an excellent class with well thought out material for initial exposure to conceal carry practical principles and safety considerations to protect you and your family. It was very enlightening to me and helps with the confidence one needs for keeping and carrying firearms. Strongly recommend for any beginner or even those who already have a carry permit. Jason does a great job all around..."
~ Glen Martin, California, MD
"I would recommend Jason's concealed carry class to absolutely everyone. His expansive knowledge is evident... He manages to deliver the material with his quick wit and sense of humor while never glossing over the serious and life saving topics. Shooters with all levels of experience will feel comfortable and take away tons of great information. I'll be contacting him for all future training."
~ Amy Kunz, Fredericksburg, VA
"I highly recommend the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience for either the beginner or advanced firearms enthusiast. As a former U.S. Army Ranger, I have sat through hundreds of hours of firearms training, yet I still gained a tremendous amount from this course. So whether you have never touched a gun before or are looking for a refresher course, you will get a lot out of this class. I have already recommended the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience to several of my friends and family members."
~ Scott Dennis, Portland, OR
"If you have any doubts about taking the course - read the testimonials, this is an experience which could very well save your life. Why? Jason covers information which is not common knowledge regarding personal and family safety and protection… Jason is the go to professional regarding concealed carry. Don't ignore this opportunity if you value you and your family's safety."
~ Matt Hahl, Seattle, WA
Consider this: Right now to get personal consulting with me, where I reveal this type of information, it costs $5,000 just to get started. And I'm sure those who've paid me this amount would tell you it's worth every penny if I was permitted to reveal their identities.
But don't worry, this event isn't going to cost you anywhere close to $5,000.
Normally, the investment for the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience is $299. That's the price many others have paid.
And as Pat Conklin of Centreville, VA says, "Loved this class, best money I've spent in quite some time."
Shelly Winston of Alpine, UT wrote…
"I had been stalked 5 years ago… The personal decision to carry a concealed firearm is an investment I am making. Jason's class was both informative and enlightening. The class was worth every penny and I look forward to attending Jason's full day Defensive Pistol Training class later this summer."
"This is absolutely a great class at a great value," says Kurt Simpson of Asheville, NC.
And Walter Davidson of Lancaster, PA emailed me a note saying, "This is by far, the best bang for your buck!"
But instead of paying $299 like others, today, you can take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience from the comfort of your own home… and… get all of the free personal protection gifts for only $97.
Why such a low price?
First, I know this class could change your life so I want to make it as easy as possible for you to take it.
Second, I offer other firearms training courses. When you see how valuable the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience is you may want to join me in-person for one of my daylong Defensive Pistol courses.
Also, if by chance you're still wondering if the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience is right for you, I offer the nation's most ironclad firearms training guarantee…
And here it is:
If for any reason (or no reason at all) you don't think the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience was worth every penny, just let me know and I will give you a prompt and courteous 100% money back refund, and you get to keep all of the free gifts.
I hope that shows you how serious I am about helping you better protect yourself and your loved ones and how important I believe it is that you take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience today.
But here's the thing...
I don't know how much longer the state of Virginia will allow people to get the Virginia permit online from the comfort of their own home.
In other words, there's been talk that they may change the law and make people come into a classroom to get their permit… and of course, since they're politicians, nobody knows what they're going to do.
So I wouldn't take the chance of waiting a moment longer…
Here's how to take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience today and get all of the free gifts, including…
- Free copy of my book, The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry: Confessions of a Former CIA Officer
- Free 108-Point Home Security Checklist: This checklist is usually reserved for my private clients who pay me $500 for a home security analysis
-Free Defensive Pistol targets to help you become a better shooter
-Free Special Report: 30-Day Urban Survival Guide: What you need to know to be self-sufficient for 30 days
-Free 'Jason's Journal' Weekly E-Letter. I'll also give you the plans to build the portable target system that I recently sent to students.
- Free Special Report: Simple Home Defense Secrets That Could Save Your Life.
- Free Special Report: 7 Ways to Keep Your Family Safer This Year
Click here now to get started and to get all of the free personal protection gifts.
Thank you, and I look forward to helping keep you and your family safer.
~ Jason Hanson
Founder and President, Concealed Carry Academy
P.S. Click here to sign up now.
If you're ready to take the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience:
Still want proof my training is invaluable? Here are notes I've received from over 220 satisfied students…
"I thoroughly enjoyed the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience. Jason was an excellent instructor, mixing humor, real life experience, stories, and practical tips with the required training topics. He answered all of our questions, discussed his personal concealed carry preferences, and covered both Utah and Virginia concealed carry laws and requirements. His staff was very professional and ensured we had fingerprint cards and personal photographs to complete our Utah concealed carry applications. I learned a great deal and now will pursue additional training with the Concealed Carry Academy. Well done!"
~ Greg Kuper, Houston, TX
"Excellent classroom presentation, interspersed with interesting video clips. Jason has a real knack for getting the message across while paying close attention to time and the myriad admin details that are so important to complete all the paperwork and presentations in the allotted time. I would say that Jason is at the top of his game. He is an engaging instructor and his classes are highly recommended."
~ Brian Hagan, Pasadena, MD
"I thought the class was great. I definitely feel more comfortable owning a firearm now. I will be sure to recommend Jason's class to all of my family and friends."
~Sarah Pohl, Warrenton, VA
"Before I took a class at the Concealed Carry Academy, my experience with guns was limited. I knew only how to use the rifles and shotguns that belonged to my father, and had never even seen a handgun. But Jason Hanson taught the class in a way that was clear, yet went into every important detail, from legal issues, to posture and grip, to holsters, to even discussing technical aspects of handguns, in a way that is approachable to a first-timer. If you could only take one class, or have been hesitating to take the first step, the Concealed Carry Academy is the best place to go."
~ Rick Leiner, Fairfax, VA
"I highly recommend the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience for either the beginner or advanced firearms enthusiast. As a former U.S. Army Ranger, I have sat through hundreds of hours of firearms training, yet I still gained a tremendous amount from this course. This is not a boring class taught from a book. Jason uses video examples and real life experiences to teach the fundamentals of how to protect your family and home. The time flew by! So whether you have never touched a gun before or are looking for a refresher course, you will get a lot out of this class. I have already recommended the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience to several of my friends and family members.
~ Scott Dennis, Portland, OR
"Jason, I am really thankful that you put on this special class for those who attended. Your expertise in the subject and diligent preparation and instructions definitely made an impact on me and will stick with me throughout my life. You made the class very enjoyable… and had the ability to explain key concepts very simplistically while never undermining the importance they hold. Thank you again for this great opportunity and hope to keep in touch!"
~Carey Riley, Alexandria, VA
"Jason and his team have put together a great educational experience that I believe every gun owner should take whether or not they intend to carry their weapon concealed. The course was fluid allowing Jason to respond to questions and Jason did a great job of keeping the students engaged throughout the day. The time flew by and I couldn't believe how fast it went by."
~Jared Hennigar, Salt Lake City, UT
"Hi Jason, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the Ultimate Concealed Carry class this weekend. I drove 2 1/2 hours from Suffolk to take the class… I have already talked my dad into signing up for the next available class. The goodie bag was a plus, especially the CD, which provides a good review of the safety guidelines and best practices in regards to personal safety/security. Thanks again!"
~Laura Hollingsworth, Alpine, UT
I have been a gun owner for about four years now, and this is the 2nd gun safety course that I have taken. I found this course to be very valuable, not only for understanding the best methods and approaches to handling a firearm, but also as it pertained to gun safety and laws that apply to me and my state. I would highly recommend to anyone that they take Jason's course, the instruction was presented in a way which made it easy to understand and retain.
~Jason Leblanc, Reston, VA
This is an excellent class with well thought out material for initial exposure to conceal carry practical principles and safety considerations to protect you and your family. It was very enlightening to me and helps with the confidence one needs for keeping and carrying firearms. Strongly recommend for any beginner or even those who already have a carry permit. Jason does a great job all around, and he's lucky to have Amanda's behind the scene assistance.
~Glen Martin, California, MD
Jason, I really enjoyed the class and learned a few things along the way. Your teaching was very insightful and easy paced. I was impressed on your knowledge and ability to teach in an enjoyable educational way. Thanks again.
~Sam Bathe, Hebron, MD
Totally informative. I would highly recommend. Thinking about having my wife the class.
~Erik Quicksall, Fort Washington, MD
I attended the Conceal Carry Class and I really enjoyed it. Jason, my instructor, was very informative and knew exactly how to teach the material to a class full of people. I learned so much and they made the permit application process very simple. They handled everything from fingerprinting to assisting in filling out the paperwork and it couldn't have been easier. I was so glad I attended the class and I'm really looking forward to taking his home defense course next.
~Kirk Pullin, Vienna, VA
I have been teaching in the public school system for 28 years, so I think I know what to look for in a good teacher. The Ultimate Concealed Carry permit course was well organized. Jason was very knowledgeable about the subject matter and he made all of the students feel comfortable in the class. I highly recommend this class to all who may be interested in carrying a conceal handgun.
~Adam Roegner, Fort Washington, MD
I just attended Jason's Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience class and I highly recommend his class to anyone thinking about obtaining a concealed weapons permit. Jason's class was detailed and informative, his ability to keep his students engaged with his lively personality, rich content and examples of what you can and can't do, should and shouldn't do really help one ingest all the content. Have a question but are afraid to ask during class? Not a problem, Jason is available after class for just that purpose! Truly a fantastic experience!"
~Chip Bateman, Miami, FL
Unlike other seminars which promise to make you an expert when your done with their class, Jason delivers a great introduction and awareness of personal security and defense. The class was very friendly and the information was not too much. I look forward to learning more with the ConcealedCarryAcademy . Everyone should take this course.
~Marshall Karlovich, Draper, UT
I had really high expectations leading up to this class. Mostly because of the credentials that Jason Hanson the instructor has achieved. I'm happy to report that The Concealed Carry Class lived up to all of my expectations and more. The class was professional, fun and informative.
As far as obtaining our concealed carry permit Jason and his staff started all of the paperwork, took our passport photo, took our fingerprints, issued our certificate and even notarized certain documents. All that is left for me to do is to sign and fill out the rest of the paperwork, some minor Internet research, get one more additional set of finger prints taken and mail or drop off packets. It truly is one stop shopping. If I were doing this on my own, I would have been left with a lot more question about things like firearms, ammo and holsters. Also I would have been running around to my bank to get documents notarized. Jason also gave us some good websites to checkout for gear.
Furthermore, this is a great class for women of all ages. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that of the 30 or so people in the class almost half of them were women. Jason covered all kinds of firearm safety rules, federal and state firearm laws and situational awareness issues. So even if you never carry, you'll be better prepared for the unexpected. So I highly recommend this class.
~Kelly Lodi, York, PA
My wife and I recently spent an enjoyable morning with Jason Hanson of ConcealedCarryAcademy preparing for our concealed firearm permits. Jason provided an upbeat and attention-retaining course covering all of the requirements for a Virginia concealed carry permit and a Utah non-resident concealed carry permit. His course included the mandatory handgun proficiency requirements and he even walked us through filling out the forms so we would sail through the process. During the class we were fingerprinted and photographed (required by Utah law), so we had everything we needed for our permits before we walked out the door.
Jason is an ex-CIA agent and he peppered his presentation with interesting stories as well as advice on the selection and use of a concealed firearm and holster, types of ammunition to use, and home defense techniques. He also provided a full copy of the course materials on CD and a great supplemental handgun training resource on DVD. I have already recommended Jason's course to my friends just as I'd recommend it to anyone interested in obtaining his/her concealed carry permit.
~Donnell Lassiter, Oakton, VA
The Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience was great for me. I had recently gotten my Virginia concealed carry permit and a new handgun. The main reason for attending this class was to learn more about safety techniques, holsters and apply for the Utah permit. The application process was a hassle for Utah that's why I hadn't gone through with it. But your class made that so easy and convenient having everything ready for me. I also learned a lot of useful information about concealed carrying, protecting myself and when to use and not to use the gun. Thanks.
~Sam Ramsay, Las Vegas, NV
The concealed carry course went well beyond imparting the knowledge required to carry a concealed firearm. I think that more important than the formal concealed carry training was a an awareness of why it is important. Though I am familiar with the concept of situational awareness I had not really considered it part of my everyday life. The course transcended the firearms portion to be about sensible self defense.
~George Gerson, Reston, VA
I actually just finished watching your DVD and am looking forward to coordinating a private shooting lesson with you. I found the class to be a great introduction to pistol safety and concealment. You made an amazing presentation that was informative about firearm legality as well as practical tips to becoming more adept with a firearm. It is a great class for a novice as well as those who are proficient in firearm handling who are looking to brush up on the fundamentals of carrying a firearm. Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you again.
~Andrew Fannon, Fairfax, VA
I learned a lot in the class about how to handle a firearm, what to and what not to do, also what's legal and what's not. I thought the last section on staying alert and not becoming a victim was especially timely. The class was interesting and fast-paced, a quick morning, even on a Saturday!
~Julie Mitchell, Leesburg, VA
I really enjoyed attending the Concealed Carry Experience class this past weekend. I have never owned a firearm, nor have I ever even held a handgun before, however, living on my own has prompted me to really think about purchasing one and learning how to use one appropriately in case of an emergency. After taking the class, it has reaffirmed my decision to go ahead and purchase a handgun and practice using it so I can defend myself in case I'm ever in a compromising position.
The interactive style of the class made the 4 hours really fly by and the videos were interesting and valuable to the learning experience. I'm glad that I took the class and have definitely told a lot of my friends about it!
~Lindy Potter, St. George, UT
I had a very good time in your class. I learned quite a few things that you can apply not only to concealed carry but to your life and your daily activities (The Color Code). It was well organized and you were on schedule and on time. The stories you shared emphasized the bullet points and you never let people derail your train of thought going off topic. You and your wife have a great thing going and I'm happy to see you carry it out like this. To teach others and spread the word about safe and responsible gun use.
I wanted to thank you and your wife in person on Saturday but had to leave. Not sure if you remember me but I was in front to your right wearing the blue polo with motorcycle gear. I went to the Arlington courthouse today to get fingerprinted and submit the application but the wait was super long and I didn't have enough time as I was "on the clock". I'll plan to go sometime this week and go extra early to get my name on the list.
~Zeda Swenson, Vienna, VA
I really enjoyed taking Jason's class. It was very informative. He delivered the material in a manner that kept your attention the whole time. I recommend this class to anyone who is interested in getting their Virginia or Utah Concealed Carry Permit.
Thanks for the class. Hope to run into you guys again sometime.
~Tim Porter, Woodbridge, VA
Jason, I just attended your Concealed Weapons class last night and I just wanted to let you know that I thought it was spectacular. I felt the information provided was both useful and easy to follow. I look forward to attending more of your seminars in the future.
~Tony Teagle, St. George, UT
I enjoyed you class and will more than likely sign up for a shooting class in the near future. The family and the military training I have had over the last 30 years was good but not as practical as what you gave our class. I mailed my Virginia off on Tuesday and will be getting the Utah as soon as the VA comes in the mail. Thanks for the class.
~Kris Davidson, Woodbridge, VA
Jason: Thanks so much for the informative class on Saturday. I have been a gun owner for about seven years now. But regardless, I learned so much valuable information and certainly many more things to consider that I hadn't thought of before now. The good advice, sound techniques and knowledge of the law will help me to become a responsible permit holder that will hopefully keep me safe. Thank you again.
~Holly Sanders, San Diego, CA
My wife and I attended the Concealed Carry Academy class together last weekend. Jason's expertise and training have given us an advantage over the criminal and a way to protect ourselves should we ever need to. The plethora of information that was shared in class was also given to us in DVD form so we can now digest it slowly and take it all in. Thank you Jason.
~Rob Michaels, Henderson, NV
Loved this class, best money I've spent in quite some time. Not only was the class very informative, it was presented in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. No "this is the way it must be done so don't question me" tactics. Questions were encouraged and answered in an understandable way. I'd recommend this class to gun owners, people thinking of buying a gun, or those just interested in personal and home safety. I've already recommended it to several of my friends who will probably sign up when next offered. Great class, great instructor.
~Pat Conklin, Centreville, VA
Jason, I didn't get a chance to speak with you after the class today. I had to get ready for work. Anyhow, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the class the today. I'm former military and have handled hand guns most of my life. I went into the class with the attitude that there was nothing you could possibly teach me. Boy was I Wrong!! For instance, I never would have dreamed that I would own a .38 or a Glock 19 but after today I believe I will soon be the proud owner of both. The preparation, diligent, organization and professionalism of your course were well received!! Thank you!
I have a number of friends that I will refer to your class. I truly believe what you are doing; educating common folks on ways to protect themselves within the confines of the law is a great and noble calling. Thanks again for an outstanding class today and may God bless you and your wife in everything you do.
~Ryan Baker, Stafford, VA
If you want to get your concealed carry permit for Virginia, take this class. You can take a variety of classes to obtain the certifications you need, but this is specifically designed for learning about the do's and dont's of concealed carry, rather than what you would learn at a hunter's safety class. This is by far the best bang for your buck!
~Walter Davidson, Lancaster, PA
Hi Jason, I'd like to thank you, the class was very informative, there's a lot I don't know and a lot of common sense information and experienced lessons I've learned from you. I appreciate your time and professionalism, and the fact that you made the class fun and interesting, thank you again. I've recommended your class to all my friends.
~Roland Chenowith, Ogden, UT
I'm a firearm owner and have held a CCP for many years. I signed up for the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience because I was looking for expert assistance in completing my VA and UT applications, and because I firmly believe that staying informed is an essential part of staying safe. I had also hoped the class would help my wife feel a bit more comfortable with the idea of concealed carry, and with firearms in general.
Jason delivered on all counts. His credentials are exceptional, and his experience clearly showed through the confidence and ease of his delivery. He was generous with his time, and his willingness to answer questions is worth the price of admission alone. Fingerprinting and photos for the UT permit were handled professionally and discretely during class. I left with everything I needed to complete my applications, and much more. My wife came away feeling more comfortable, assured, and has already signed up for an additional lesson at the range. This is absolutely a great class, at a great value.
~Kurt Simpson, Asheville, NC
Hi Jason, thank you for an informative and enjoyable class. I was a little concerned about sitting for 4 hours listening about guns but it was very enjoyable. I learned many important things that I did not know before. I feel much more comfortable carrying a gun. Thank you again for the great class and I look forward to seeing you for our range appointment.
~Catherine Mobley, Chantilly, VA
I'd highly recommend the Concealed Carry Class, for persons of all experience levels with a gun. The class is very informative, yet Jason does a great job of making sure it's fun. Not to mention, you'll walk out with everything you need to get both your Virginia and Utah permits. Jason makes the process very easy and painless. If you are thinking about getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon, this is the class for you."
~Bill Conrad, Arlington, VA
I took Jason's conceal carry class and found him to be knowledgeable and informative. As a new firearms owner, he gave me more insight and confidence about doing the right thing, taking responsibility for my families' protection, as well as my own. What was most engaging about the class, Jason gave many practical applications on the safety and responsibility of firearms ownership which you can apply to your everyday life immediately. Jason covers a multitude of topics, which he present concisely; but make sure you are on time, cause from beginning to the end his class is packed with information. Jason is obviously well informed and organized. I definitely recommend this class for new firearms owner. Even if you are against firearms, if you are a reasonable person and want to make an informed decision this is still a well taught and informative class, so you may do so.
~Curtis Williams, Clearfield, UT
I would recommend Jason's concealed carry class to absolutely everyone. His expansive knowledge is evident and he provides a welcoming, non-intimidating and informative environment. He manages to deliver the material with his quick wit and sense of humor while never glossing over the serious and life saving topics. Shooters with all levels of experience will feel comfortable and take away tons of great information. I'll be contacting him for all future training.
~Amy Kunz, Fredericksburg, VA
Hi Jason, I appreciate the opportunity to take your class, very informative, eye opening... and you were very honest with any questions the class may had. Nothing was sugar coated. You packed a lot of info in 4 hours which was great. I almost wish the class was longer. Your two assistants were very helpful as well. I only wish you had more tactical pens. Thanks.
~Mike Robertson, Annandale, VA
Jason, I recently purchased a tactical pen while in the Ultimate Concealed Carry Course. I love it, have traveled quite a bit, including overseas, without any TSA troubles. This pen is awesome, its lightweight, durable, and easy to carry around. I always have it with me.
~Laura Hollingsworth, Suffolk, VA
Jason's expertise has made me feel comfortable now that I know my girlfriend is able to protect herself while I'm not around. She's been saying "tap and rack" ever since. Now if I can just get him to show her some of his 007 hand-to-hand combat moves...hmmm...shameless bribe. Thank you Jason!
~Nathaniel Woodstock & Janice Gruber, Midvale, UT
Although I was not ready to apply for my permits yet, I greatly enjoyed the class and learned quite a lot. In any case, my objective of taking the class was not to get them, but to start giving a serious look on how to be proficient handling guns and on how to protect me and my family against any kind of aggression. The class met that expectation.
Also, I would like to point that you are an excellent instructor, for the passion you have demonstrated during the class. And being passionate to teach something you love makes the difference between a good and an excellent instructor. Keep the good work!
~Henry Patterson, Salt Lake City, UT
I just want to send you a quick "Thank-you". My daughter recently took your ccw class (I've been urging her to do so for some time now). She really enjoyed your class and has now turned in her paperwork for her ccw permit. In reviewing your entire website I came across your blog essay about owning and training with a 22 cal. That was a great article. I have since purchased a Colt (Umarex) Rail Gun (1911 training platform) for my own training (I carry a 1911 .45 and it's costly to practice!). Also, your email tips about first time gun buyers/shopping was spot on. My daughter found that useful and it echoed what I've been telling her too. Anyhow, I just wanted to pass along a thank-you for your help. Best Regards,
~Don, Detroit, MI
If you have any doubts about taking the course - read the testimonials, this is an experience which could very well save your life. Why? Jason covers information which is not common knowledge regarding personal and family safety and protection…
This class applies to you even if you don't plan to carry every day. But if you do plan to carry, the information is invaluable. I've already recommended this class to other members of my family who do plan to take the course at some point. Jason is the go to professional regarding concealed carry. Don't ignore this opportunity if you value you and your family's safety.
~ Matt Hahl, Seattle, OR
I thought the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience was very well thought-out and structured to cover the majority of what you need to know to be an effective concealed carry owner. I especially appreciated Jason's no-nonsense and precise style of delivery, his willingness to answer all our questions and his overall "KISS principle" mentality on everything from weapons selection and tactics to understanding the laws that govern concealed carry owners. Providing all the necessary forms, fingerprinting and picture taking to be licensed was a big plus too. Overall, I would highly recommend the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience to anyone—novice or veteran shooter alike—who is considering carrying concealed.
~Stan Searly, Fredericksburg, VA
I am quite comfortable with handguns and have been trained by my buddy who is a member of the armed forces. None the less, I learned a lot about gun safety and home protection in particular at the Concealed Carry class. Jason is very knowledgeable and the class was informative and engaging. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is truly interested in learning all there is to know about home protection.
~Alan Uselman, Las Vegas, NV
I attended your class last weekend and I didn't get a chance to say thank you but I wanted to leave you with some feedback! I enjoyed the class immensely. I found it extremely informative, thought provoking and worthwhile. Within just the first few minutes of the class, your experience and professionalism became very obvious. Your depth of knowledge and real-life experience is priceless. I would, have, and continue to, refer people to the Concealed Carry Academy that require a CCW permit. In closing, I just wanted to thank you to you, your wife and your assistant for all of your help – oh, and the goodies! It was a pleasure meeting you the three of you!
~Crystal Curtis, Manassas, VA
Stacey said you wanted an eval of your class, on Sat. the 6th. I am her dad, Robert, I talked to you before class about my cancer recovery and the need to leave the classroom. First I am a Vietnam era Green Beret weapons instructor and retired teacher, so I know guns and teaching. I worked with the CIA while in country and have several metals, awards and citations.
Stacey's birthday gift to me is getting her permit. I have had mine for many years, but going with her was great. As for you, you are a fine instructor and could not have done a better job. You know the subject and did a professional job. You did not talk down to your class, even when some poor questions were asked, and most of all you did not try to show us how big a bad ass you were. Thanks and keep up the good work.
~R W, Woodbridge, VA
I found Jason Hanson's class to be very informative and enjoyable, too. He is an excellent instructor and I look forward to taking more hand gun classes from him.
~Liza Small, Salt Lake City, UT
It's my opinion that the ability to protect one's self and loved ones from harm is a basic human responsibility. Being proficient in Judo and Akihito, I feel comfortable that I can handle many forms of non-lethal aggression. Personally, I pray I will never have to use a gun in self defense. Jason's "escalation of force" illustration, situational awareness guide, and use of real life examples, will help me be the most responsible gun owner possible.
In addition the way Jason lead the class itself kept things moving, on track, and interesting. The time went by very quickly. He provided us with a CD of all the class information, which also helped me to retain the information.
Finally, I appreciated how organized Jason was. He provided all the needed information, applications, finger print cards, etc. that we need to apply for our Concealed Carry permits. That was a huge bonus for me. I wholehearted recommend this class.
~Richard Oldsman, Manassas, VA
A very beneficial class. I have been given a new perspective on the safe and proper use of firearms and the laws that bind them. What could be dry, by-the-book, material is made easily understandable and entertaining by use of videos and personal stories. I highly suggest this class if you want a thorough overview of everything pertaining to a concealed weapons permit.
~Dennis Pullen, Fairfax, VA
I truly enjoyed the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience class this past weekend. The class was upbeat and extremely informative. Your teaching skills were impressive to be able to captivate and keep the classes attention for 4 hours on a Saturday morning! I will be recommending this course to others in the area that are looking to hold a permit to carry. I am looking forward to attending the course on the Art of the Tactical Pen next year.
~Alice Delawar, Arlington, VA
Jason – Excellent class! I have attended many permit courses such as Texas and North Carolina and none of them compare to your Concealed Firearms Permit Course. Your course was not only very interesting and informative but renewed my sense of responsibility to protect my family.
~Dan Otto, Myersville, MD
I thoroughly enjoyed the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience. I had prepared myself for a dry review of concealed carry laws and perhaps a little refresher on gun safety. Instead, I was treated to an on-point discussion of important issues facing everybody interested in concealed carry. This is a smart, topical, and important class that everybody interested in concealed carry should take the time to experience. I feel better informed and better prepared to take on the responsibility of carrying a concealed weapon thanks to you.
~Jim Kirpatrick, Salt Lake City, UT
I recently attended Jason's class on carrying concealed weapons. I was surprised at all the information Jason gave us not only the laws and regulations for obtaining Virginia and Utah permits, but also information on firearm safety, what constitutes personal threats and home invasion, and practical information on what to do in different scenarios. I would recommend this class to everyone.
~Katy Gibbons, Layton, UT
Jason: Steve here from your 8/6/11 class. I just wanted to say how much I love these "Jason's Journals" emails you put out every week or so. They are always informative and humorous--I get your sense of humor and love when it's at a liberal idiot's expense. Keep them coming, brother!
I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciate in general what you are doing to educate people about firearms and self-protection. You're saving lives my friend. I always tell my wife and kids, "There are two kinds of people—the prepared and the victims—I want to be among the prepared." Since your class, we have had family emergency action planning meetings. We now have a game plan in place in case of unwanted intrusion, fire and/or natural disaster. We're now thinking "prepared."
~Steve Stuart, Bountiful, UT
Hi Jason, I attended your concealed carry class over the weekend. I enjoyed your class very much and thought you did a nice job of keeping the pace of the class upbeat, interesting and fun. I must admit, I am a chronic multitasker. I did not check my email once during your class... It was well worth the investment of my time and money.
~Mandy Cornfeld, Merrifield, VA
This course is the "mother of all" Concealed Carry Courses. Not only does it present all the information necessary for a thorough understanding of handgun laws, how to safely operate a handgun and your responsibilities as a gun owner, it does so in a fast-paced yet easygoing manner. Jason's presentation is laced with personal real-life experiences and anecdotes from his law enforcement and security training and services. In addition to the information and discussions, Jason and his team handled all the other Virginia and Utah application requirements, including: fingerprinting (for Utah application); passport photos; applications for both Utah and Virginia; notarization of the Virginia application; and a personalized Concealed Carry Course Completion certificate. Further, a CD and DVD were provided containing all the information presented in the lecture and additional information regarding concealed carry.
~Jim Sulke, Burke, VA
Jason, I truly wanted to thank you for your time and efforts in putting together this amazing class. I've wanted to attend a CCW class for some time now not only to protect my family and myself, but to exercise my 2nd amendment rights in a safe and responsible manner. Your Ultimate Conceal and Carry class was informative and thorough, and touched upon all of the common questions and misconceptions people may have. Most importantly, the class had a relaxed and non intimidating atmosphere. Just a small group of like minded people spending a few hours arming themselves with the knowledge to arm themselves. Your attention to detail and personal testimonies added to a deeper understanding of the material. We have already referred all of our friends.
~Billi Aston, Fairfax, VA
If you plan to get your concealed carry permit, or even just own a gun or plan to purchase one, you will find the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience an invaluable source of knowledge. Jason covers a vast range of topics from choosing the right gun for home defense, ammunition and accessories (holsters, etc.) to how to develop a home defense plan to best protect your family or how to assess any dangerous situation on the street. He delivers this wealth of information in a organized but relaxed and informal style that allows the audience to ask any question at any time. Do yourself a favor and sign up for the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience now — you will be glad you did.
~Jake Hudson, Arlington, VA
Jason, I just wanted to write to say what a special experience your Ultimate Concealed Carry class was. Never has 4 hours gone by so quick and painlessly. Your personal stories and how you tied them in to the subject matter was seamless. The tips and tricks you provided in the class will be used for years to come by me and my family. We will always be Color Yellow. Thanks again to you and your staff for a fantastic class.
~Moustafa Albeel, Provo, UT
An excellent "no-beating-around-the-bush" explanation of all the ins & outs of concealed carry I could possibly want to know (and things I was unaware of)! The most valuable message that Jason repeatedly emphasized was that we all have the power to keep ourselves and family out of any situation where using a firearm as last resort defense is necessary. The CC is not a license to be a hero. It is an obligation to become a more responsible citizen when it comes to personal safety. Although I may never feel the need to carry a firearm in the future this class has given me the awareness/foresight to be prepared for any defensive situation, and that there are always alternatives to deadly force as well. Thank you Jason!
~Mitch Michaels, Temecula, CA
Many years ago when I lived in Florida, I completed a CCW course and was granted a license to carry (I let my license go since the state of FL doubled the renewal fee for out of state permit holders). I found that your class is hands down the better class. I learned more about the proper care, safety and display (concealment) of a hand gun and weapons from your class than I did from my other class. I see that you and your team truly care about the safety and protection of the law abiding public and you are not just trying to make a buck at others expense.
Thank you again for a great learning experience,
~Josh Curtin, San Diego, CA
When it comes to protecting your family, you don't think twice, you do it. With Jason's class, it gave me the confidence & knowledge that I need about owning a firearm in my own home. Thanks Jason....keep up the good work!
~ John Peterson, Springfield, IL
I was very pleased with the training that I received with Concealed Carry Academy. It reminded me a bit of some of the training and guidance I received while in the military doing weapons training. I was really impressed and happy that my girlfriend enjoyed the class so much that she was willing to listen and was interested when I explained to her how to strip down my Ruger P89 for cleaning. It also opened her eyes to how vulnerable you can be if you're not paying attention or if you're not ready to defend yourself at all times. Thanks for the great information.
~Sam Jaber, Fort Washington, MD
Hi Jason. The class was great! Thanks again for the helpful tips. When DC experienced the earthquake last week and I was forced to quickly evacuate my building, I realized in that moment when everyone around me was panicking that I had nothing to protect myself if all chaos was to break lose. Since I work at the Capitol, all access to the buildings and garages was shut off for several hours. I couldn't help but think if this was a serious disaster and people began to get crazy, I would be completely helpless in defending myself. For those of us who work in one of the many highly secured federal buildings in DC, the tactical pen is the perfect solution. I can get through daily security checks with it and not worry about it getting taken away. Unfortunately, the likelihood of a terrorist attack or emergency situation is very high in our Nation's Capital. The tactical pen definitely gives me peace of mind to know that I am not completely helpless should I be forced out on to the streets again.
~Kim Moore, Las Vegas, NV
Jason offers a fresh approach to providing Gun Safety training, and his Concealed Carry course was straight- forward, relevant and even entertaining! As a former Military Instructor I was impressed by his class room professionalism, and how he teaches his students to utilize the latest practices and techniques.....well worth the investment!
~George Worth, Alexandria, VA
This class was great for someone like me who likes to learn hands on versus by the book. Although I didn't actually handle any of the guns, it was great to see the proper way to hold, aim and pass the weapon. The DVD is also a great tool to use as a follow up and a reminder in case you missed something during the class. I would definitely recommend this class to all females and people who are against guns. A lot of people are afraid or against guns because they lack knowledge or training. I use to be afraid of guns because of the media, negativity, and lack of knowledge. I'm facing my fears and continuing to learn about guns and will be heading to the shooting range to practice what I've learned. Thanks, Jason and crew!
~Nicole Jeffers, Fort Washington, MD
I took this class with my girlfriend who wanted to get concealed permit ( I already have mine), she wanted someone there with her. I was shocked that the class was an enjoyable one and very informative and time passed by faster than I expected. I would recommend this class for a first timer or a refresher.
~Len Sweeny, San Diego, CA
I highly recommend this class to not only other females but males also. It is more than just a run of the mill gun safety class. It is a course on thinking and being aware of your surroundings to not allow yourself to be a victim and most importantly prepare you to mitigate a negative situation if one were to happen. I feel much more confident on applying for my concealed carry permit now that I have the knowledge to safely and intelligently carry a concealed weapon.
~Lori Morales, San Diego, CA
I was apprehensive about taking your class. I didn't quit know what to expect from a private class not associated with an established organization. I have attended many seminars and classes held at various hotels in the past just to be disappointed with the results. I have left those feeling like I have wasted my time and money. Yours however I left feeling very happy that I attended and would recommend it to anybody looking to either obtain a CCW or educate themselves more on the laws that pertain to Concealed carrying. I was very presently surprised at the level of professionalism and knowledge. I left the class with not only a better understanding of the laws but also a higher level of confidence when the time comes to conceal carry. Thank you
~Dennis Sturgess, Arlington, VA
My husband had been wanting me to get my CCW permit for years and I just never took the opportunity to do it. Finally he signed me up for Jason's class and I was hesitant about going, especially by myself. I was pleasantly surprised to find his class extremely user-friendly and simple. He is very passionate about this topic and he covered so much information in a short period. It was all very helpful in setting my mind at ease about having a CCW permit. I would and have recommended this class to several friends and family members. I was excited to see how many women were taking the class which was also something that I did not expect. I plan on getting my permit asap and my husband is very happy that I took the class and that I am getting my permit. Thank you Jason, you have a great team.
~Jamie Udell, South Riding, VA
I always thought I knew the laws regarding defending your home, boy was I wrong. Jason's class teaches you everything you need to know to protect yourself and your family, and not get into any trouble doing so. Thanks Jason!
~Julie Jensen, Manassas Park, VA
This is an excellent firearms training course! I have had some experience with firearms in the past, but nothing as in depth as the information Jason provided. He explains not only safety aspects and the basics of using firearms to protect oneself, but also technical and legal aspects necessary to ensure proper understanding of firearms handling. Jason is very knowledgeable, as well as patient in answering all students' questions, including suggestions for which firearms he recommends for certain individuals and circumstances. The material provided is informative, but being a student in the class is even more important, as Jason elaborates on the information even further. I left the class feeling more aware of firearms handling, and much more confident in properly protecting myself in such a situation. Jason's concern for protecting oneself and one's family is apparent through his thorough course content, and I would highly recommend Concealed Carry Academy to others for firearms training!
~Renee Morris, Falls Church, VA
Jason's class was a thorough and efficient introduction for any woman interested in the empowerment of protecting themselves instead of being a victim. The class was straight-forward, easy to understand, and very informative. It is a great non-intimidating introduction to gun safety and the rules of deadly force. I would strongly recommend taking Jason's permit to conceal course to anyone interested in self-protection.
~Melanie Hensen, Salt Lake City, UT
I very much enjoyed the class and the 4 hours went by quickly. The instructor answered all questions and was thorough in the material covered. He showed a lot of enthusiasm and kept the class interesting by making it interactive with videos.
~Brett Paulson, Logan, UT
I really enjoyed Jason's Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience class on September 18. To a woman, buying a weapon, applying for a permit, and carrying it for protection is a confusing set of activities. Jason broke everything into understandable pieces. Different types of guns, ammunition and holsters. He explained all the main points of choosing a gun, the pros and cons of different alternatives. His advice on the legal ramifications was priceless. The bonus was preparing me for the permit application process in both Virginia and Utah. I will be able to protect myself in 33 states!
~Mandy Boris, Vienna, VA
I took Jason's Ultimate Concealed Carry class last Saturday. It was definitely worth the time and money! I enjoyed the experience and learning about weapon selection, buying tips, holsters, shooting stances and the legal aspects of home defense. Of course, the bonus was having Jason take us through the application process for a Concealed Carry Permit in both Virginia and Utah! He even provided the fingerprinting and application photos. My wife and I will both be safer because of Jason's class.
~Andrew Black, Vienna, VA
Despite being an experienced shooter, I felt like I still learned a lot from Jason's Concealed Carry Class. His approach to teaching was clear, professional but included good doses of humor to take the edge off of sitting in a classroom for four hours. I would definitely recommend the class for those interested in carrying concealed, but it provides useful safety information that would benefit even non-gun owners.
~Alan Dules, Arlington, VA
The Ultimate Concealed Carry Course was a wonderful experience. Teaching the basics of concealed carry techniques and laws, Jason Hanson shares his wealth of knowledge and captivating stories, to make the course extremely informative and entertaining. Jason emphasizes the importance of being a safe, well-informed firearm owner and carrier, and helped me realize why I should focus on maintaining my awareness to protect myself. As a single young woman, I loved this course and would recommend it to anyone curious about firearms, period!
~Melanie Meanders, Arlington, VA
I wanted to also take the chance to thank you for teaching the class Saturday - I found it education, engaging, entertaining and a great way to spend a Saturday morning. Your mix of class content and personal experience definitely opened my eyes and have motivated me to get out and do some shooting and become more proficient in use of my firearms. I think that it also might be something that I'm going to talk to my wife about and perhaps get her into the class as well (help build up her knowledge in personal safety and defense).
~Mitch Klaus, St. George, UT
Jason, it is a pleasure to write a testimonial about the quality of the course you offer. I was highly impressed with your knowledge and skill and your ability to communicate the information in an extremely effective as well as an entertaining manner. You kept my attention throughout the four hours of the training. I feel more confident and comfortable handling a fire arm and knowing the laws of the local jurisdictions. Thank you and I will certainly recommend this course to others.
~Dr J L Johnson, Logan, UT
Taking the Concealed Carry Course was very informative and fun. I highly recommend anyone interested in personal safety to take this course. You never know when you might be faced with a life or death situation.
~Mason & Lisa Bingham, Cedar City, UT
I'm writing to thank you for the great class you gave on Saturday. I think that this class would benefit everyone (male and female, young and old) and I believe the more people you can teach, the better. I learned some very valuable things in the class and am thrilled to feel more comfortable about protecting my family. I feel much more comfortable about what kind of gun to purchase now; I can't wait to go out and try a few before making my purchase. Thanks again for the valuable information!!!
~Jessica Bliss, Charlestown, WV
As a long-time shooter, I attended the Concealed Weapons course to better understand self-defense laws, and learn more about proper technique in real-life situations. The pace of the class was good, and the presentation of the material was well-done. The instructor was interactive, encouraging good class participation. I learned a few things and enjoyed the session.
~Edison Maginnis, Great Falls, VA
I would highly recommend the conceal carry course. It was not only very informative, but Jason was also entertaining. They provided the right balance of presentation and class interaction. I also enjoyed the videos and "side stories". Lisa and Amanda also made sure the everything was extremely organized. The paperwork was completed seamlessly during the class and participants didn't miss a minute of the instruction. Jason answered all the technical questions in detail, and Lisa and Amanda made sure the all participants knew the next steps they needed to take to get their carry permits. All-in-all, it was a great experience and I look forward to taking more courses with them.
~Brad Schiman, Annandale, VA
Great class. In the interest of full disclosure, my husband is the one who actually needed to renew the permit, I went along because it was a livingsocial coupon. I will be getting a revolver out of the trip for my own personal use, so we will call it a win-win. Jason is a very good instructor, with a no nonsense approach, well-paced presentation, lots of useful tips and pointers, and he answers all the questions from the peanut gallery. Additionally, he works with very pleasant administrators. I was dreading the four-hour long class, but it went by very quickly and on a rainy Saturday, that's quite an accomplishment!
~Elaina Bradley, Alexandria, VA
I found a lot of value in attending your Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience class this weekend. I had a lot of questions about hypothetical scenarios, which was my main reason for attending the course, and you answered all of them. I've grown up around guns my entire life, and yet I still learned a great deal from this class. I'd recommend your class to anyone who plans to conceal carry, and just as much to those who already do.
~Mike Gullivan, Sandy, UT
I really enjoyed this class. Jason covered all the basics about gun safety, Virginia and Utah concealed carry law, and also how to determine whether you are justified in using your gun. His class is interesting with lots of humor throughout and I learned a lot. I've already applied for my Virginia permit and will apply for Utah as soon as Virginia arrives. I highly recommend this class.
~Keith Tides, Alpine, UT
I want to personally thank you for teaching me how to carry concealed. The class was well organized and it was extremely easy to learn from you. I also loved the way your team was able to notarize my VA application and give me the certification letter right away. I will definitely purchase additional firearms training classes from you in the future, and I have already referred one of my closest friends! There is no doubt in my mind that (God forbid) I'm ever in a life threatening situation, I will be able to protect myself and my loved ones using the skills and knowledge I gained from you.
~Curtis Phelps, Alexandria, VA
The Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience was a class worth taking for those who are unfamiliar to the use of a gun for self defense and also for those who want a little more knowledge on their abilities to carry the gun they already own. I took this class as a person who is engaged to a police officer and wanted to feel more comfortable with the gun in our home. I realized that owning a gun would be a good thing for those times when I am home alone. With humor and serious facts, Jason was able to guide the class through the laws, the appropriate carry options, and the facts about guns. The class didn't cater to gender or age, which made me feel at ease to recommend this class to both my friends and family.
~Katie Dennis, Alexandria, VA
My husband & I recently attended the Concealed Carry Academy's class and were very pleasantly surprised at how good it was. We had purchased a "living social" deal, which my experience has shown can be great or terrible. Jason as it turns out is not only an excellent teacher with an entertaining but efficient presentation but also quite an expert in his field. His tips and recommendations were also very helpful about self-awareness & self-defense. I have had extensive training in full-force unarmed self-defense in DC Impact and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, so I was already aware of the more general tips, but adding in that level with gun ownership really enhanced my sense of competence. Also, unlike many men who love guns, Jason showed his true strength and courage by saying that he would never go to use force if all an attacker wanted was property (not just because that's the law, but because he has nothing to prove that way). We liked him and plan on taking another class with him soon
~Patricia Randall, Park City, UT
My Husband and I really enjoyed the class! We are both military, so we were familiar with a lot of the information concerning situational awareness and gun safety, but it's always worthwhile to get refresher training on those! You answered all of our questions about gun registration with regard to different states; gave us great references to keep current on the laws; and provided excellent tips on home defense. We also appreciated being able to purchase the tactical pen directly from you- we waited until the class to find out how it would work with airport security and which one is the best to buy. The tactical pen would make an excellent gift for a friend or relative, hopefully we can purchase more from you! I look forward to taking the Defensive Pistol Course in a few months! My Husband and I will definitely be recommending your class to our friends in the area! Thank you and God Bless!
~Katy Humphrey, Salt Lake City, UT
I can't say enough good things about the Concealed Carry Class with Jason. I don't own a gun and have very little experience with firearms. However, Jason welcomed all questions and took his time to make sure everyone got the most out of the class. Including myself and others with little to no experience. I encourage everyone to take this class no matter your comfort level with firearms, I have already recommended it to several of my friends.
~Paul Lindeen, Salt Lake City, UT
The concealed carry class given by Jason Hanson was more than just a "classroom" experience. He taught us about real life experiences and for instance circumstances as well. This is a very informative, interesting and fun class and overall excellent experience!
This class is a one-stop shop to assist you in obtaining your concealed carry permit in VA and UT. Jason's wife, Amanda, and staff of Shannon and Lisa made the process of answering questions, signing up, filling out the VA and UT applications, fingerprinting and pictures seamless. I would highly recommend this class to anyone even remotely interested in firearm use, safety and practical knowledge.
~Rebecca Lunde, Alexandria, VA
As someone who is new to firearms, I found this class a valuable resource. Jason Hanson spoke with authority on important topics like gun safety, technique and practices, but most importantly he used many logical real world examples to teach a sense of proper self-defense gun use. I don't think this kind of information is available as a package like this anywhere else, and I'm happy I attended this Conceal Carry Academy class."
~Hank Aries, Falls Church, VA
I just wanted to thank you for all of the valuable information I learned from your class last weekend. I particularly enjoyed the way you presented all of the information in a way that was easy to understand, and with a great combination of seriousness with slight humor. You and your team were all very friendly, professional, and patient. Thank you again for all of your help. My only complaint is that your classes are constantly booked 3 months out, but it was definitely worth the wait.
~Roni Meers, Rockville, MD
I would highly recommend Jason Hanson's Ultimate Concealed Carry class to anyone thinking about obtaining their concealed carry permit. Jason's class was highly informative and he does a great job teaching and presenting the content in an easy to understand and refreshing way. Jason's knowledge and experience greatly enhance the classroom experience. I think Jason did such a great job that I look forward to continuing my firearms education with additional instruction from him.
~Allen Schuler, American Fork, UT
I would first like to say how much I enjoyed your class. One of the many lessons I took away from your class was the analogy of the "Police Officer Tool Belt," and using different tools in situations to handle issues... Thank you again for teaching your class. Right now, I can't afford your defensive shooting class, but I will be saving for it. Look forward to seeing you again soon.
Bill Kennedy, Arlington, VA
Thank you for having the class. Being new to the area, it was nice to learn about the laws of Virginia and Utah. It was very informative and will recommend this class to friends so that they can be comfortable protecting themselves and their families.
~Cathy Santola, Annandale, VA
I loved my experience in the Ultimate Concealed Carry Academy class. I learned so much from the basics including how I can improve my grip to improve my aim and recoil, to the circumstances I can and cannot legally pull my gun. It's a short class, but it's backed with so much useful information and Jason is such a dynamic instructor you will leave having learned a few things even if you think you know guns. And they made it so easy virtually fool proof to get your VA and Utah conceal and carry permit. I would definitely recommend this class even if you have your VA Conceal and Carry it is worth it for the information and the ability to get a Utah permit.
~Laura Petry, Detroit, MI
The class made me more confident in my ability to handle a firearm, identify the kind of firearm that would best suit me, and recognizing the situations in which drawing your weapon is appropriate. I especially appreciated your personal take relative to the required material for the course. I also purchased a tactical pen during the course, having already been convinced of its utility virtually anywhere (as opposed to pepper spray and the Swiss Army knife that most of the time I have to leave at home) based on one of your weekly emails, in particular during air travel and as I work as Congressional staff and must walk through a metal detector/bag x-ray to get to my office everyday.
~Chris Fogelberg, Arlington, VA
I found the class very interesting and told my friends about it. The class was informative and extremely useful on fire arms. I am a novice on guns but think it's necessary to have something to protect yourself when you travel or at home. I signed up for your shooting range class to learn more about the proper way to stand and any other tips you may have. You are a great instructor and looking forward to the next class. Thanks again.
~Emily Holmes, Alexandria, VA
"As an Army veteran, I found Jason Hanson's Ultimate Concealed Carry class to be invaluable. Jason thoroughly demonstrated his expertise on all issues related to the use of firearms for personal protection: technical, tactical, and legal. More importantly, he is a dynamic and engaging speaker. I enrolled in the class for information on the permit process in Utah and Virginia, convinced that there wasn't much more that I needed to learn about firearms. I walked away impressed with the amount of information that Jason covered and the ease with which he handled even the toughest questions. This class was well worth the money."
~Denny H. Noble, Ogden, UT
I really enjoyed the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience! Jason clearly has a passion for teaching and his extensive knowledge about firearms and firearm safety is a real benefit to anyone taking his course. I would definitely recommend Jason and the Concealed Carry Academy to anyone looking to get great, professional instruction.
~Edward Harlow, Spanish Fork, UT
"Jason's 4 hour class reinforced a few things I learned after being in the military 20 years; Situational awareness and proper handling of a weapon!" I'll be sending some people your way.
~Mark Candle, Arlington, VA
Thanks for a very informative experience Jason. Your class might have been the fastest 4 hours of my life - your delivery and personal anecdotes made it more life-like and entertaining. I feel safer at night in my home alone, and now that I have a tactical pen, I feel safer commuting and working in Washington D.C. I also learned details I had wondered about, and some I never knew I needed to know - like how to say "Officer, I have a firearm in the car" instead of "Officer, I have a gun!" I'm also clearer on my rights as a Virginian, and know never to venture into Maryland without a specific purpose if I have my gun on me!
I enjoyed your friendly banter with your wife as well - her organizational skills on the administrative side are great - I can just drop all the paperwork in the mail and *hopefully* have my permit soon. Thanks for a very informative and fun Saturday morning.
~Irene Bischel, New York, NY
Thank you for taking the time to offer these classes in your spare time! Part of me had been dreading a four hour class on a Saturday morning, and the only reason I was going was because I had to for my Concealed Firearms Permit. However, your class absolutely flew by! I enjoyed the discussion, interaction, and openness of the class; I never once hesitated about asking a question, or felt that my questions were going to be criticized. I would recommend this class not only to people that are looking to get their CFP, but also to anyone who is considering purchasing a firearm. Knowing how a gun functions, to the proper grip, all the way up to the laws that surround owning and carrying a firearm is covered; this is a "must-take" class for any new or prospective gun owner.
~Mitch Darling, Arlington, VA
Great class. Though I was in pain (due to my L5 disc), I was riveted the entire morning and now I'm left wanting more!... more training, more info, more counseling from you. You and Amanda are thoroughly prepared and professional. Thanks so much for deciding to go into business for yourself (bravo all entrepreneurs), and more importantly, sharing your expertise w/ the public in this all-important subject. If I wasn't the father of seven I would not hesitate to spend the money for more time and training w/ you. Take care and let me know if you ever decide to hire and train willing candidates to expand your business. Best of luck to you.
~Dan Spencer, Springfield, VA
I'm still boasting 3 days later about this wonderful class. This class taught me not only about weapon safety, but also, how to hold the weapon, a proper stand, how to grip the weapon. The instructor even recommended different types of weapons for women, and so much more. The instructor is very passionate about his course, and you could tell. I felt he was so open and honest, I felt this course was outstanding and I have recommended it to a few friends.
~Gloria Stevens, Salt Lake City, UT
My fiancé and I were very pleased with the quality and scope of the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience. All our questions (some of which we were nervous asking considering our "newness" with concealed carry) were answered knowledgeably and thoroughly. We left the course feeling much more comfortable with the aspects of concealed carry and are both excited to attend the Defensive Pistol Course next spring.
~Jeremy Simmons, Salt Lake City, UT
I really enjoyed your class. You made it lively and interesting providing ample opportunity for discussion, but keeping the session on track. Having moved to the area from Florida, it was important that I learn the weapons laws within the Virginia, Maryland and DC area. You provided excellent information and I really enjoyed the class.
~Blake Kristopher, Cedar City, UT
My husband and I attended the Ultimate Concealed Carry class this weekend and were very impressed with our experience. We have owned a firearm for years but this was the first time we had attended a class like this. The instructor was very knowledgeable, easy to follow and made the class enjoyable. He was able to answer any questions we had about firearm safety as well as local laws, since we are new to the area. We would highly recommend this class to anyone who has a firearm or is considering purchasing one for home defense.
~Sally Kristopher, Cedar City, UT
It was very informative. The instructor was patient (hi Jason!) and answered all questions. I travel to Kansas and will have to apply for both Virginia and Utah I believe it will cost $115.00 for both. Since Utah covers Missouri I believe I am allowed to carry there also. I am a Virgina resident and will be submitting payment to the courts this week to obtain my license. Thank you for an informative class!!!
~Susan Bolden, Fairfax, VA
I truly enjoyed Jason's class as it was both informative and entertaining. As an attorney and a former Army officer, I found the material to be extremely relevant and it was presented in a manner that was the easy to understand. Thank you Jason for providing such a valuable service.
~Terrance Cooper, Herndon, VA
I have been shooting for several years now, but was pleased to be able to learn so much from your class. The lessons you taught are invaluable and I will apply your principles every time I am on the range, shopping for gear, or taking a walk in Baltimore. I pray that I will never have to use the deadly force tactics you demonstrated, but if I do, I now know that I will confidently and successfully be able to defend myself and others. I would say the best thing about the class is your accessibility as a resource. I appreciate that, and you might be receiving E-mails with random firearm questions. Thank you for having me at your class and not stabbing me for saying that I flick off other drivers. I don't really do that!
~Czarlite R, Silver Spring, MD
Jason, I attended the Concealed Carry Academy and got MUCH more than I expected. Jason Hanson is a highly qualified instructor and kept the entire class fully engaged for the 4 hour course. Jason and his staff helped each student put together all the forms needed to apply for Virginia & Utah Concealed Carry Permits (including fingerprint cards) before the class concluded. In 15 years of shooting this is the best class of its kind that I have attended.
~Darren Cooper, Smithfield, UT
Jason's class was a godsend to navigating the Virginia CCP application process. He assisted in the application for a Utah permit, for which I am anxiously awaiting. He is informative and knowledgeable. If you have a need to carry concealed, spend the money for this class and make the process a lot simpler!
~ Denny Tyler, Bountiful, UT
You obviously have great insights regarding firearms and personal protection. I very much look forward to receiving and enjoy reading your e-mails, your experiences and recommendations. I pass most on to my daughter, who is a dog walker in Richmond, and recently started carrying. I am also planning to get a CC permit.
~Benny Harold, Provo, UT
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the class this Saturday. The information was very beneficial. I thought I was going to be lost in class, as my knowledge about guns is limited. You presented the information informally yet professionally. I would recommend this class to any woman. In fact I did.
~Lacey Ashford, American Fork, UT
I knew I needed to take this class but I thought it was going to be boring and not terribly worthwhile. What a great surprise to really learn a lot AND enjoy it! I have already told friends they need to sign up for Ultimate Concealed Carry.
~Darlene Madison, Alexandria, VA
The class was enjoyable and informative and was useful for anyone whether you are getting a concealed carry permit or not. I would definitely recommend the class for anyone in the future.
~Carol Shakely, Vienna, VA
Jason's class was well run, informative, and most importantly, interactive. I came out of his class much more confident in my knowledge of how to responsibly carry and how to properly train my mind and body to react. The information that Jason presents is a good mix of theory and real world experience to help you understand how to avoid conflict as much as react to it.
~Jensen H , Burke, MD
We took the class as a couple because we believe personal safety and self defense is a responsibility, and if you are going to be responsible for your security then education is essential. Jason met our expectations, the class was responsible, safety focused and provided information that immediately gave us tools to increase our personal security. We look forward to continuing our education and skills proficiency with the next level of training. We chose CCA because of the personal versus generic focus of the course and instructor, we were not disappointed.
~Adam & Kaylee Wilson, Great Falls, VA
The Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience is much more than a class on navigating around town with a handgun. If you've ever felt your heart pounding after hearing a strange bump in the night or felt uncomfortable with the guys hanging out near your local playground, take this class. Jason and his professional staff will turn any apprehension you might have about handguns into enthusiasm. And you will feel much better equipped to protect yourself and your family in a dangerous situation. Thank you, Concealed Carry Academy.
~Sally Sanford, Salt Lake City, UT
Jason made this course interesting and entertaining! He was very energetic and funny. A nice change from the military firearm safety courses that I've attended. As a former weapons officer, I was quite impressed with his level of knowledge and ability to keep us all actively engaged in what is normally a very boring course. Jason and his wife make an awesome professional team! I left there with everything I needed to file for my permit! Taking this class is no doubt one of the best choices I've made!
~Mindy Ersland, Salt Lake City, UT
Like many of you, I'm neither a gun expert nor gun novice. I'm just a guy who reads the news and is concerned about keeping his home and family safe from criminals. I'm not even sure that I will carry regularly upon receiving my permit, but I do want the ability to carry legally if I need to. That's why Jason's course was so valuable to me: I learned everything I need to carry in Virginia with a minimal investment of time and money. What a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with taking affirmative steps to protect my family! Like life insurance, Jason's concealed carry course is a no brainer. I recommend it to anyone concerned about crime and defending their family in an increasingly unpredictable world.
~James Dunner, Las Vegas, NV
I am so glad to have attended your course "Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience". The class was exactly what I needed.
You are an excellent, interesting, informative, and obviously very passionate instructor and it truly comes across with your well
organized and eloquent presentation delivered with a sharp sense of humor. You exude a truly caring attitude towards every single one of
your students.
~Pete Handy, Provo, UT
The most powerful point of the whole class was that just because you take the class, you don't have to carry concealed. But, you now have the option, which could be literally a lifesaver, because life is funny as you say. Right now, life is great for me, but I never know when I might have to travel to a rough neighborhood, encounter a crazy neighbor or a stalker ex-girlfriend. You never know what life is going to throw at you and if it is life threatening encounter, I wouldn't want to wish I had taken your class.
My mother and sister would probably never carry, but I want them to take the class so they have the option to protect themselves by concealed carry. At the very minimum, the situational awareness information is something everyone should have. Thanks for a great class and I look forward to the Defensive Shotgun and Basic Pistol class!
~Jackson Grayson, Atlantic City, NJ
This class reinforced the habits of responsible gun ownership. I feel comfortable dealing with a hand gun now because I am familiar with the why's and how's behind the hard decisions I may have to make in the future. I am also convinced that Jason is a credible source to learn the essentials of gun ownership from. Great class overall.
~Devin Eli, Arlington, VA
My profession has me attending training on monthly basis. All of which are taught by people that are experts in their field. So needless to say I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of instructors. Jason was one of the best instructors I have ever had, definitely in the top three. He was fun and interesting to listen to. It was obvious that he was very experienced in the topic and felt passionately about giving his students the most accurate and useful information out there. There wasn't a dull moment during the course.
~Stan Yana, Fairfax, VA
I have gained quite a bit of experience using firearms throughout my life so I didn't think I would learn much more than the basics and requirements from the conceal carry course. I was wrong. I learned so many good things that were specific to conceal carry laws, tips and methods as well as how to think beyond just shooting a firearm at a range. I hope to be able to take a pistol training course in the near future. Thanks Jason and all of your assistants.
~Darryl Candon, Arlington, VA
The concealed carry experience class my fiancée and I took was an excellent opportunity to learn about proper weapon handling and self defense techniques both in general and related to firearms. Jason is very knowledgeable about personal protection and is also approachable (which can sometimes be an issue when dealing with ex-military or ex-police personnel) in case you have questions beyond what's covered in the class. I would definitely recommend this class; if not for the ability to legally carry concealed then at least for the tips on how to better protect yourself and your family and not be an easy victim for criminals.
~Philip Neilson, Salt Lake City, UT
Jason: I have taken many self defense/fire arms classes in the past but none delivered so well! You are articulate, extremely knowledgeable, and add just the right amount of humor to make 2 hours just fly by! I will definitely be signing up for more of your classes! Thanks again
~Denise Russell, Rockville, MD
Thanks for a great class and the additional materials Jason. The class was very informative and was presented in a fun and casual yet still serious and professional manner. I'm looking forward to my next training opportunity with CCA!
~Tim Rutherford, Baltimore, MD
It was a great class. I learned a lot (for example, I understood why I have a double vision - I have a left eye dominant ). You are a wonderful instructor and have a very good teaching technique! Thanks again,
~Niki Kimbers, Fairfax, VA
Jason, thank you so much for providing a concealed class that really catered to a beginner-level audience. Walking in, I was worried the content would be over my head or designed for an experienced audience, but I was relieved to receive your valuable information in a non-judgmental, non-assuming environment. As a newbie, I was very grateful to interact in a class that provided relevant examples, real-life demonstrations, and recommendations for future purchase and educational resources. I would absolutely sign up for another class when the time is applicable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and I would recommend your class to anyone!
~ Betty Schyler, Alpine, UT
The thought of owning a gun, and possibly using it someday, has been on my mind for quite a long time. As I've watched the world change into a place that I no longer feel completely safe in, I've decided that there are some things that I can do, and ought to do, to help me not just FEEL safer, but BE safer. I'm a conservative. Some in my family are liberals. This is probably the only thing we agree on: the time has come for all citizens to own their own firearm. NOW. So naturally the first step towards this end was to learn about guns in general, and carrying concealed in Virginia specifically. Jason's class contained so much information, much more than I had expected. Thank heaven for the "goodies" we all go home with so I can review and absorb completely what will forever be the foundation for my gun-owning experience: the importance of responsibly owning and carrying a weapon and the myriad ways that applies to every decision we will make before we even touch a gun, but especially when that gun is in our hands. My utmost thanks to Jason for a superior experience.
~Alexa Lester, Midvale, UT
One day I was at Fuddruckers's in Annandale and a group of 25 people came in open carrying the guns. It made me very uncomfortable. They were good people but it reminded me that many "bad" people are also out there walking around with guns.
I came to Jason's class not as a gun enthusiast but as a person who is afraid of guns. I own a gun for personal protection but don't feel confident that I can handle it if the unfortunate situation arises for me to use it. I have no intention of traveling with the gun or shooting as a sport. I just want to be able to handle as a last option defense tool at home. Jason's class was a godsend. He covered all the aspects of gun safety, which guns to buy for which kind of purpose, what kind of ammo to get, where to find best deals and a lot more. Especially useful was his coverage of the gun laws, when you are allowed to use it and when you are not.
Jason is a great presenter. The class is so well organized, well-paced, a well-coordinated with everything you need for a concealed carry permit. Within the short 4 hours his team managed to process every one's application, notarization, finger printing, photos and forms like clockwork. Impressive! After attending the class I feel confident that I can handle it without fear. If you own a gun go attend this class. Even if you think you know all there is to know about handling guns, I guarantee you will learn something new.
~Vincent Pierce, Falls Church, VA
This was an outstanding class and Jason makes the class fun and never a dull moment. I would recommend all his classes. He knows his stuff.
~Justin Wagner, Clearfiled, UT
Hi Jason. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your class on Saturday. I left wanting to find the closest gun shop or show and get another gun. Thanks again, and I look forward to more classes.
~Patsy Cruz, Layton, UT
Hi Jason! What a great class! It was informative and well structured, and best, but not least, a lot of fun! I've had my army beau and friends in the police force talk with me about fire arms, protection and the law. But what you covered in the 4 hours far exceeded what they've ever been able to share with me. AND it was enjoyable.
As a woman who travels alone often and lives in a pretty secluded area, self protection is a major concern for me. Now I will be able to protect myself in all situations. I am now going to the range more often and also practicing using my purse and a belt holster so that I can be much more proficient (and accurate) in carrying my firearm. THANK YOU!! For the info and confidence boost. You and the Concealed Carry Academy are the best! I look forward to taking another class or two through the CCA
~Lenore Dennis, Layton, UT
I cannot say enough good things about the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience. Jason is a very knowledgeable and entertaining instructor - in other words he's awesome. I am definitely be looking into taking another one of the handgun classes he offers.
~Alex Roberts, Salt Lake City, UT
I truly enjoyed taking the Home Defense Shotgun course this past January. Jason is an engaging and approachable teacher (both during and after classes) with a knack for making shooters of various experience levels all feel comfortable. After completing the course, my only unanswered question was "How do I convince my wife to buy me a box of 'liquid ferret' rounds for my birthday?!
~Patrick Demming, Salt Lake City, UT
As a "seasoned" member of the Emergency Services Community (Police & Fire) currently employed by the Department of Homeland Security; I thought your class was great. You are an engaging and informative instructor who has mastered the ability to present intimidating information in a non-intimidating way, the perfect blend of necessity and practicality. I whole heartedly recommend anyone who needs a situational awareness awakening to take your class; the concealed carry permit is just a bonus.
~Darin Gruber, Alexandria, VA
Clearly an expert on firearm safety, carry techniques, relevant legal precedents, and regulatory issues, Jason was also a great presenter who kept the class engaged with his fun and informative style. Jason's staff was exceptionally friendly and helpful in getting us through the required paperwork, fingerprinting, and passport photo portions of the process. I would definitely recommend The Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience to any one considering buying a firearm or carrying concealed.
~Ned Falkner, Arlington, VA
The reason you want to go to the Concealed Carry Academy to take Jason's concealed carry class is because he is an excellent instructor (with fantastic assistance from his wife and staff, I must add). The class was fun, engaging and fast moving, but Jason always took the time to make sure everyone understood the material and even offered to stay after the scheduled time if anyone still needed to talk with him. Jason is very easy to talk to; he is open, honest and down to earth, which lends a very friendly atmosphere to the class. This is the class to take because it is put on by good, knowledgeable people who really care about teaching you how to safely protect yourself and your family, and because you will have a blast while you learn. Need more proof I was thoroughly impressed? Okay, here it is: I signed up for the Concealed Carry Academy's upcoming "C.I.A. Defensive Pistol Course" that day.
~Kevin Dade, Arlington, VA
I'm retired military, so when I heard from another retiree that I could get my Concealed Carry Permit by without having to attend Jason's Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience, I was almost going to cancel my reservation. I'm glad that I didn't! Jason provided a lot of useful and valuable information that I wouldn't have received otherwise. So retired military or not, it's well worth it to spend a few hours learning all there is to know about Concealed Carry.
~Jeremy P, Alexandria, VA
Enjoyed the class on Saturday. I expected to enjoy it, but I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would. Great job! Or as we'd say in the Navy: Bravo Zulu.
~Daniel French, Purcellville, VA
Thanks for a great class Saturday. I think the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience was an exceptional orientation to all things concealed carry - it gave a solid overview of the basics of selecting a gun, appropriate accessories, pertinent considerations, legal restrictions, and perhaps most importantly thoughtful advice on the significant responsibility that comes along with access to lethal force. I appreciated your ability to distill a lot of legal jargon into easy to understand guidelines, as well as the examples you provided to bring context to some restrictions. You are an engaging and informative instructor and your friendly manner made it a comfortable open forum where I think everyone participating felt comfortable raising questions and concerns. I'm very glad to have taken the course and hope to be able to take more workshops in the future. Thank you!
~Stella Gronser, Arlington, VA
Just like he does in the Concealed Carry class, Jason covers every conceivable question you could have about Mastering the Home Defense Shotgun: 1) the different types of shotguns and what he recommends for home defense, 2) the different types of ammo and what he recommends, 3) accessories (lights, slings, sidesaddles, etc.), 4) stance, firing and combat reloading techniques and the list goes on!
~Jeremy Harbor, Arlington, VA
The Mastering the Home Defense Shotgun class presented me with a thorough road map to achieving an economical and effective home defense capability with a shotgun. Everything from gun options to defensive tactics is covered in this class.
~Josh Greenbelt, Great Falls, VA
This was a terrific class – informative, comprehensive, and entertaining. Jason was knowledgeable and provided excellent, practical advice.
~Sheldon Timmerman , Salt Lake City, UT
For those of you considering taking Jason's concealed carry class please read the following: My wife and I took Jason's class as I wanted her to learn more about the importance of concealed carry for personal protection. We could t be happier in our decision. Jason was engaging and informative making the class fly by. The wealth of knowledge and the clear, organized manner it was presented in made the class easy to follow and invaluable.
A gun is an important tool for personal defense and with Jason's class you will learn how to legally and safely carry that firearm and better protect yourself. I highly recommend this class to friends and family. I enjoyed it so much I have decided to take Jason's full day handgun class. Thanks again Jason for teaching my wife about how unaware she is to the dangers in every day life.
~Mark Moffatt, American Fork, UT
Jason- Thank you for your wonderful and informative emails. Of all the newsletter type emails I get about firearms yours are definitely the most useful and always make me think.
~Jackson Herfel, Orem, UT
The class had me feeling comfortable from the time I walked into the door to when I left the room. I was also happy to find out about the tactical pen and now feel more secure in my knowledge that I have the resources to protect myself and my family.
~Neil Blanchard, Richmond, VA
Jason, it would be my pleasure to say that it was a fascinating, entertaining, and professionally handled event. I enjoyed it very much due to it being so enlightening. Thanks again, and keep up the good work.
~Rex Weston, Capital Heights, MD
The Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience was definitely worth my time and money. Jason was a great instructor and open to all of the questions from members of the class I attended. As a woman, it was especially great to have an instructor who wasn't dismissive of my questions and who took the time to give me thorough and thoughtful answers.
~Sheila Nettum, Washington, DC
I had been stalked 5 years ago and underwent days of testimony in order to have the stalker convicted and put away for several years (an extensive criminal background of similar crimes). Unfortunately, the anguish of putting him behind bars did not result in any real peace following. The fear has lived on with me and I suspect, will for the rest of my life. The personal decision to carry a concealed firearm is an investment I am making. First, for my own well being and second for my adult sons are at relieved that I am taking proactive measures to ensure my safety. Jason's class was both informative and enlightening. The morning literally flew by and was packed with helpful information. Jason's team processed every student's application efficiently and pleasantly throughout the morning. The class was worth every penny and I look forward to attending Jason's full day Defensive Pistol Training class later this summer."
~Shelly Winston, Alpine, UT
I attended the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience after driving from Illinois and only having one hour of sleep. While Illinois does not recognize the Utah permit, I did learn many valuable things through out the course that I can use regardless of the state I live in. The vast majority of this learning, I have actually retained since the class was fun and presented in a way relates to life and not a book. Plus, I feel that should I ever have any questions I have more resources to consult than a thin book. I'm so glad I didn't just cancel the class after I moved out of Virginia.
~Jessica McGhee, Chicago, IL
Hi Jason: Your Concealed Carry Academy class was painless! I learned a great deal about hand guns, the holsters that make concealing easier on your person... How to legally transport a firearm in a state that my permit does not allow me to carry... How to address an officer of the law should one get pulled over (in any state). I have now passed on your information to many of my friends who have all ways wanted a conceal class but wanted some one else to go first. Thanks again Jason!
~Sabrina Calin, Fairfax, VA
The Concealed Carry Course was concise, extremely well organized, and moved like a well oiled machine. I can't imagine an easier way to get a concealed carry license.
~Dr. Susan Gables, Las Vegas, NV
I just recently took Jason Hanson's Concealed Weapon License course. Jason is a dynamic and an outstanding teacher who understands the fundamentals of firearm use and safety. His course is enlightening and right on target for individuals who plan on getting a license to carry a firearm or is just interested in learning more about the use of a pistol. I would recommend it to beginners and experienced firearm users."
~Jeremy Malloy, Las Vegas, NV
From the moment you walk in the door this class is top notch...Jason and company are friendly, helpful and make you feel right at home; so much so you forget you are in a conference room. The information, demonstrations, and videos are straight forward, easy to understand and completely relatable to everyday situations; while adding some humor to a very serious subject. They walk you thru the whole permitting process and administrative pieces as well so you don't miss a thing. It's great!!
~Josh Fields, Bristow, VA
I have been showing my tactical pen to my realtor friends. I carry it constantly, even to Puerto Rico, since I purchased it from you.
~LeAnn Schneider, Logan, UT
Jason's class was comprehensive, fast-paced and entertaining. I've had several small arms courses as a military officer as well as civilian home defense courses. Jason's is easily one of the best I've ever had in terms of content and certainly the most enjoyable.
~Richard Abbott, Retired Military Officer, Arlington, VA
As a recent graduate of your concealed carry class I must say that a lot has changed. I used to be paralyzing afraid of guns, even in the hands of the police I used to work with. I didn't want to see them, have it holstered around me, nothing. After taking your class I have not only eclipsed my fear of guns through knowledge but I am now an NRA member attended my first gun show (talk about a lot of guns) and have purchased my first gun. While I was nervous my first time at the range it reawakened the knowledge that guns are a serious business, a responsibility not to be taken lightly. After remembering what you taught me and with my boyfriend by my side for support I was able to comfortable take my first shots and then realized…ooooo this is fun! I look forward to going to the range again. So thank you again for everything!
~Jackie Johnson, college student, Las Vegas, NV
I was fortunate to attend the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience, which was taught by Mr. Jason Hanson. The class was very informative and well presented. There was a vast amount of key information that was provide and will prove to be very valuable in the real world. Thanks, Jason, for sharing your knowledge about gun safety and gun laws. I pray I will never be put in a life or death situation; however, I am better prepared if that should every happen.
~Roger Clemmens, Woodbridge, VA
Thanks for the class. Even though I may never carry a firearm, this class was gave me the ability, knowledge and judgment necessary to responsibly carry a firearm if I so choose.
~Noah Miller, Reston, VA
Jason, you are definitely an expert in your profession. The 3-3-2012 class "Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience" was well worth the time and cost. Regardless of experience level, I recommend this class to anyone in need of quality training on concealed carry as well as family and personal safety awareness of environment. It was a very enjoyable and worthwhile experience.
~Dillon Rice, Provo, UT
This training was fantastic. Not only was it informative, but it was interesting. I will recommend this to family and friends. Thanks Jason.
~Jean Wagner, Salt Lake City, UT
Going to the Concealed Carry Academy, with Jason giving you the instruction on the laws, with his explanations and given presentations on the use of force, when to shoot and when not to shoot, looking at what is behind your target if you have to shoot, were a great lesson for all that attended his class. I will tell everyone who is looking for training for concealed carry to call and get into a class with Jason and his staff.
~Daniel P. Larson, TSgt. USAF Retired, Croydon, PA
This is the conceal carry course you are looking for, Beginner to Experienced! Even if you think you know a lot about personal security and conceal carry, this course will provide you with vast practical knowledge and situational details from Jason's extensive professional and personal experience that could save your life."
~Merrick Younger, Dillsburg, PA
I took Jason Hanson's Ultimate Concealed Carry course for the purpose of obtaining credentials for my Virginia Concealed Carry Permit. This part of the training was delivered clearly and succinctly with assistance in completing the necessary paperwork as well as background on the laws and applicability of a CCP. However, as a firearms collector and aficionado for over 30 years, I was even more pleasantly surprised at how much I learned outside of the content required for the CCP. This included safety, usage and general interest information about firearms, laws, self-defense and criminality. If you enjoy guns like I do or if you are just looking for your concealed permit credentials / safety training, this will be a very entertaining and fun experience.
~Bob Host, Cedar City, UT
This was the second ccw class I have taken this year. I took the first one as a living social deal and was greatly disappointed. I felt I need more before getting my permit. Jason and his team are the best. He is truly an expert and professional. They cover everything you could want and more. He is willing to stay after and answer any questions you may have. He keeps is up to date and still sends us emails letting us know important information related to the class.
~Ben Leske, Annandale, VA
Jason, Amanda and Sylvia: Thank you for a fast-paced and important learning experience on Saturday. I learned great new information regarding firearm use and overall safety that I will be sharing with my family and friends. A lot of key topics were covered--guns, ammo, holsters, grips, stances, etc.--that I will be practicing and researching almost every day with the sources you provided. I am looking forward to attending the course annually as I believe that firearm safety is primary to gun ownership! Thanks again.
~Sheldon Leader, San Diego, CA
Thank you again for such a dense course. The time passed by so quickly I wasn't ready for it to end. What stood out for me was that the information was delivered in a practical and well rounded way. Thank you again and I hope to be participating in some future courses.
~Geraldine Conrad, Springfield, VA
Eight years in the Military and education through an M.S. in Engineering has exposed me to a lot of training. Jason and his staff are more effective at teaching than any organization I've been exposed to. Jason's ability to impart information is beyond reproach, the curriculum is riveting, and the CCA staff a joy to work with. No matter what your background or goals please spend half a day with Jason and you will walk away invaluable knowledge.
~Drake Trenton, Cedar City, UT
Thanks for a super class! I feel empowered and better prepared to protect myself and our children by the knowledge I gained from attending the Concealed Carry Class. I have taught our teenagers some of the information as well, such as the importance of being alert and attentive to their surroundings. Just last night, our teen daughter was asking some questions about how to handle various potentially threatening situations she may encounter as a babysitter and I knew the answers! Knowledge is power!
~Jan Reynolds, Alpine, UT
I was a prior US Army Infantry officer that served in combat. And I thought that I knew a great deal about hand guns since I carried and fired them frequently. But thanks to Jason Hanson and his excellent presentation, I have gained a mammoth appreciation for not even knowing what I didn't know. Thank you Jason. I am now starting to use firearms more as a hobby. But most of all, I will have a higher degree of confidence, mechanical skill, and situational awareness in handling those occasions that I will really need to use a firearm. Great material, fantastic demonstrations, and very professional and articulate presentation.
~Jared Philips, Fairfax, VA
I thought that I was very well trained with firearms, but this course taught me things I will need to keep myself, and others safe. This course was very complete, well worth every penny I spent! You can expect me to come back again for a refresher course in the future. Thank you for a fun and informative experience!
~Raymond Jensen, Edgewater, MD
The concealed class was amazing, very informative, and fun! The information that Jason gives you is practical and applicable. Jason is a great guy who really cares about your safety.
~Michael Nallen, Alexandria, VA
My wife and I were a bit hesitant about attending a larger classroom instruction… especially not knowing the composition of the attendees. But those concerns were unfounded, and we both felt completely comfortable with the material and your presentation. The modular nature of your course, and the periodic breaks, made for a very "short" four hours… where we were able to quickly understand the material, and how it applies outside of the classroom. Thank you for offering such a great introductory experience!
~Melissa and Greg Haack, Haymarket, VA
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for a very informative 4 hour session. Both my son and I were especially pleased with how thorough the Ultimate Concealed Carry Academy class was and the professionalism of you and your staff. If we were to rate the Ultimate Concealed Carry Academy on a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate it only 9.9, because nobody is perfect. Be assured, I would not hesitate in recommending this class to anyone. Unfortunately, I could not attend the Defensive Shooting Class in June, but look forward to attending in the future. Again thank you and you staff for a very informative 4 hour session.
~Monty Terrillion, Sr. and Jr., Centreville & Reston, VA
The class was great! I enjoyed they way you conducted yourself during the class - specifically keeping us engaged during those "dry" periods of instruction. You, your wife, and the other lady (I apologize for not remembering her name) were very professional. I am looking forward to taking some of the other classes that you teach too. Thank you for your time this past Saturday.
~Rick Jaspers, Beltsville, MD
That was a fantastic course on conceal carry. Jason is the best, period. I have been recommending you to my friends.
~Jeff Miller, McLean, VA
The CCA Defensive Pistol Course was outstanding! From drilling on the handgun basics to shooting from unconventional positions to participating in reaction drills, the instructors challenged us to be safe, focused, and willing to step outside of our comfort zones. We were taught how to use our brains and think about "threats" in order to properly engage them. The entire day was geared towards preparing us to be much more competent and confident concealed carriers. Jason and his staff exceeded expectations!
~Gerry Kennedy, St. George, UT
Jason's defensive pistol course was outstanding and had something for everyone - I heartily recommend it to all. In my class there were those who'd never shot and those with 30+ years experience, and so we each arrived with our own goals. Some wanted to gain understanding, comfort, and proficiency, while others sought continued perfection of already strong skills and gain further confidence. With a Jason and three range officers, above all else, the course was safe, professional, and fun. During a full eight hours training progressed quickly from basic safe operation to management of mechanical failure, speed reloading, precision and speed drills, and reaction drills working from the holster if you wanted, and culminated in a final 'qualification exam'. My class was enthusiastic afterwards and I expect to see many in the summer for Jason's advanced pistol course.
~Heath Bradford, Salt Lake City, UT
I just completed the CCA Defensive Pistol course let by Jason Hanson, his lovely wife Amanda and his team of range safety officers. As in all the courses I've taken with CCA, safety is emphasized in all aspects of the training. The drills were very well structured and designed to build skills and confidence throughout the entire day. The experience level of the students was varied, from very beginner to advanced and the drills benefited everyone. I walked away from this training with much more confidence, knowledge and skill than I had at the start of the day or that I could ever acquire on my own at a target range. I plan to attend the Advanced CCA Defensive Pistol training and continue this relationship with such a great organization as CCA.
~Jerry Ladeau – Las Vegas, NV
It was a very-well designed blend of practical and theoretical. The day was long but extremely rewarding and well worth the investment. I especially appreciated the opportunity to be challenged, not only by the physical aspects of practical shooting but by the mental aspects as well. Getting a sense of what I do, and don't do well, provided me with some insight into what and how I should practice.
~Scott Taylor, Arlington, VA
I highly recommend the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience course taught by Jason Hanson. It was very informative, fast-paced, and entertaining. I was especially pleased to learn under what conditions you can legally use your gun, and also what conditions you legally can not use your gun. All in all, a great course.
~Stan Gordon, Reston, VA
First of all you are very enthusiastic and you live and love your job. Your training was well worth the money spent. I picked up from you what to do when at home at night and an intruder is in the basement, or how to carry the concealed weapon, very important, when to load or unload, how many mags to have what kind of caliber, what make of pistol, revolver or automatic, choice of weapon is very important and you covered that very well. You also demonstrated firing positions right there in the classroom, very good, your quick reactions and explanations of what to do in an emergency...outsanding class.
~William Minor, Alexandria, VA
Jason, I was impressed with your Concealed Carry class. I have already send off for my Utah non-resident CC permit thanks to the help of your lovely wife. I am a former Army Special Forces Officer, so it is hard to impress me on weapons training. You made it enjoyable and I left with a better appreciation of all aspects of concealed carry from your enthusiastic delivery. I plan to follow up with the range training session you offer and am presently shopping for a inside the belt holster for my weapon. Good program, good people. Good cause!
~James Fields, Fairfax, VA
I took this class based on the recommendation of a colleague and I can say that as soon as the class ended I was already calling friends to recommend the class to them. With so much myth and misinformation about conceal carry, the refreshing simplicity and honesty of Jason's teaching style took my understanding of the concealed carry laws to a whole new level and cleared up a lot of misunderstandings I had about self-defense. Thank you, Jason!
~M W, Alexandria, VA
The day in WV at the Defensive Pistol Course was awesome. With only 12 participants Jason was able to provide personalized instruction, which was great since we had very experienced shooters and others who had barely shot a dozen rounds ever. And, it wasn't just Jason. We also had the expertise of the 3 range marshals and his wife, Amanda, to draw upon. And, they all had great tips and advice for improving my shooting. During each break and when we reloaded I was able to ask specific questions, in addition to the advice they freely offered. I had a lot of fun (even during the part when it stormed!); but most importantly, I learned how to be a better shooter. Jason and team helped to improve my grip, stance, and focus; all of which improved my accuracy and confidence. We ran through a lot of drills, many of which I'll use on my own at the range to continue the improvement that I made during my day with Jason and team in the Defensive Pistol Course. Thanks for an awesome day!
~Ben Shelby, Annandale, VA
I've been interested in carrying concealed since I my divorce a few years ago and I began living by myself. I travel a lot and want to feel safer. I attended Jason's course hoping to learn more about the laws of carrying a concealed weapon; and I did. I hope to take either the half or full day shooting course to become more comfortable and confident with un-holstering and firing in the even I ever need to (which I hope I don't). Jason and his team were very willing to answer questions and were very patient with everyone in attendance.
~Ellen Wolff, San Diego, CA
My sister and I both were thoroughly impressed by your class especially with the heavy focus on the two topics that were top priorities for me going in: safety and situational awareness. Coming out of the class we were laughing because recently our parents have gone through the process of getting educated about gun safety and other related topics so we - my sister especially since she has moved into D.C. - have heard many lectures along the same lines as your class. However, not only did your presentation and experience further reinforce the lessons but the concealed carry class our parents attended in Tennessee didn't even touch on some of the most interesting areas like the common legal issues and situational awareness.
Thank you very much both for the class itself and all the additional information (especially the regular emails) and the same to your wife who was very friendly and helpful before and during the class!
~Patrick Madison, Salt Lake City, UT
Jason, first, let me say that the class was absolutely nothing short of excellent. It met my expectations in every way and then some. The atmosphere of the class was very friendly and welcoming while always maintaining the utmost regard to safety and professionalism. I felt that I learned something from each of the instructors & RSOs as wells the other students. The training addressed both the skill and mental aspects of using handguns defensively. I noticed a significant improvement in both my skill level and confidence throughout the day. I have no doubt that I benefited from this class. I certainly look forward to future training opportunities and continuing to grow my skills, experience, and mindset.
~Terence Reston, Baltimore, MD
Concealed Carry's Defensive Rifle Course was excellent. Instruction started with familiarization and quick expert tips not taught elsewhere; then we progressed to shooting drills. The exercises were excellent forcing the student to not only think, but to react quickly to different threat scenarios. Integration of movement and rapid target acquisition made this course far more realistic and practical than standing in a static booth shooting downrange. The course also focus on rapid reloading and malfunctions, and working under time pressure.
~Henry Bashford, Centreville, VA
Had a great time. Really enjoyed the emphasis on safety and enjoying the experience. Your team was gracious and helpful. I have been shooting all my life, but really enjoyed seeing Kim become comfortable with a pistol and shoot well. I was at one time a SCUBA instructor (a skills based activity that can be perceived as dangerous and typically male oriented), and I appreciate the non threatening approach to learning a basic skill.
~Adam Winston, Smithfield, UT
Jason, I am a retired USMC Fighter Pilot/Airline Transport Pilot, FAA Instructor and Lifetime member of the NRA since my dad signed me up in 1962. Your ability to communicate the "facts" is refreshing, honest, informative and helpful. I never write anyone with this kind of letter, however, I am so impressed with your knowledge and the method you use to present it that I just have to share my accolade / kudos with you. It is quite obvious that your background in the Agency has prepared you for communicating with anyone at any station and background!
~ Capt. P. Evan Abrams, USMC RET, Orlando, FL
Prior to the defensive pistol class, I had limited experience with a handgun and my accuracy was inconsistent at best. Jason's patient instruction led the class and me through the basic steps and on to more advanced drills. Jason and the instructors helped correct the basics of my grip and stance, leading to immediately noticeable improvements in accuracy. At the end of the class, I was significantly more confident in my handgun skills and in carrying my firearm on a daily basis. Thanks.
~Jeremy Greybar, West Jordon, UT
I really enjoyed the Ultimate Concealed Carry Experience seminar presented last weekend in Virginia. I attended to gain a better understanding of the legal system allowing Concealed Carry as well as the various techniques to carry a concealed weapon. I came away with a better understanding of the responsibilities one undertakes when carrying a concealed weapon, techniques for carrying concealed, defensive stances and an understanding of home defense. The material was professionally presented and demonstrated when necessary to gain a better understanding. Thank you for providing this seminar, both my wife and I enjoyed it greatly.
~Denny Zito, Lovettsville, VA
The course was excellent. Jason went over different weapons, holsters, ammo, gun safes, and where to purchase these items, while teaching safety throughout the entire class. The 4 hours went by quickly. I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who is considering obtaining a concealed weapon permit.
~Seth Curtis, Oakton, VA
The Ultimate Concealed Carry class is just that. I feel that as a woman in today's society it is important for us to protect ourselves and feel confident in carrying a firearm. Although my experience with handguns is limited, the time I spent in class created not only an awareness of the various situations which can leave a woman defenseless, it shed light on the different types of weapons available to carry and the holsters to contain them. Jason covered the legal issues, posturing and grip of a firearm, and assisted the class in filling out the appropriate paperwork necessary to apply for the Virginia as well as the Utah Permit. Thanks for a great experience and look forward to taking your defensive pistol class in the future.
~Denise Zito, Lovettsville, VA
Concealed Carry's Advanced Pistol Course was superb! Since attendees were by invitation only, all were strong experienced shooters, which allowed us to quickly jump into new drills and skills most of us had never seen. Students worked extensively on single hand drills including reloading and malfunctions, as well as working in teams, shooting while moving, and shooting from behind cover. Drills were timed and through the day everyone developed rapidly. As with Jason's other courses, this course was practical and full of real world tips and tricks not available to most.
~Henry Bashford, Centreville, VA
Jason, many thanks for your time yesterday at the range. It was interesting to try the four different handguns. That experience will help me narrow down my search for my personal concealed carry weapon. You and Amanda do a great job and I have really enjoyed your classes.I'm looking forward to another one soon!
~Laura Schultz, Salt Lake City, UT
Thanks for sending your emails…I love your stories and encouragements. You and Amanda have a great calling in educating responsible gun ownership and handling. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe!
~K. Jenkins, Centreville, VA
Thank you for the great day on the range with the Defensive Pistol Course. I felt like I learned a lot and was more comfortable with my weapon... I am very much interested in signing up for the full day course and would like to know when you would expect to offer the course.
~Lawrence Henderson, Gainesville, VA
This was the most fun I've ever had with a gun in my hand, but even better than that, it gave me a huge boost in confidence when it comes to handling combat shooting situations. Everyone improved over the course of the day and shot like pros by the end of the class. While the training is intensive, the instructors are laid-back and courteous, which really helps in the fun department. I recommend this class to anyone regardless of how much or how little shooting experience they already have. I'll definitely be coming back.
~Kevin Deerman, Arlington, VA
This is the 3rd time I am trying to come up with a way of summing up my experience in you class on Sat. I have struggled to put into words how I felt. Right after the class was over, I raced out, driving home thinking of how much I gained from it. In talking to my wife, I realized how much she would absolutely love the class and gain from it. She would never be comfortable taking a class in an intimidating environment and I worried that she might be intimidated despite you assurance to the contrary. I am confident in telling her that regardless of skill level, you and your staff were tremendous. I became a thousand times more comfortable with skills that I was afraid to practice at a range before. I felt that starting from the beginning and building through, I was able to build on the skills I had and learn the new ones. I am now confident in walking into any range and practicing so many of the skills we worked on. (Maybe not the prone or on my back...but everything else.) Not only have I convinced my wife to take the class, I am eagerly waiting the advanced pistol and looking for a defensive shotgun class. Thank you for providing a non-intimidating, informational and practical class in this essential set of skills. I am looking forward to my next class with you.
~James Bishop, York, PA
I recently was a student in the all day Defensive Pistol Course. I thought that the day was the best and most comprehensive training I have ever received on the fundamentals and the proper mechanics of firing a pistol proficiently. I improved progressively during the course of the day. I was particularly concerned because I have two very bad legs from combat injuries and I was worried about my ability to do the drills where the students were required to kneel or fire from a prone position. Jason and the instructors were very empathetic and compassionate about this and I was able to complete the course without having to assume those particular positions. Thanks to Jason and his excellent staff for a great learning environment. The instructors were knowledgeable, proficient, patient and professional.
~Jason Preston, Fairfax, VA
"Miss faster" accompanied by a golf clap said the man in the wheel chair to a highly skilled competitive shooter. Sounds strange right? This stuck with me throughout the day while attending Jason's defensive pistol course. I've shot quite a bit over the years but I'm always looking for that next tip or technique that allows me to shoot better and more confidently. I found that in every aspect of Jason's Defensive Pistol course. His safety minded and no yelling approach is a true testament to Jason's skill as both a shooter and a teacher. From a gentleman that had never shot a gun in his life to a repeat student in Jason's classes the holes in the target became easier and easier to put where we wanted. I walked away feeling more confident and secure in my ability to hit my target and defend myself and loved ones if ever necessary. So "miss faster"? Take Jason's course he'll explain it much better than I. Let's just say anyone can pull a trigger but it's where the bullets go that count. Jason, thanks again for giving me both the knowledge and confidence to feel safer in this mixed up crazy world we live in. I look forward to our next class together.
~Manny Miller, Arlington, VA
Walking in to the Defensive Pistol Course, I was concerned I wasn't skilled enough to be taking the class, let alone to get much out of it, due to my near-novice status in using a firearm. The class was laid-back but safety-conscious, and managed to cater well to people of all skill levels. Instructors were hands on about the important things, and let you figure out the rest; ask a question and you've got immediate one-on-one attention. My husband and I were looking to build our skill set together (him with refinement, mine with getting comfortable), and this class touched on a little bit of everything. Well worth the investment and the time, and we look forward to taking other classes, as well!
~Elizabeth Keller, Fairfax, VA
Thanks again for a great day of training. I've taken a couple of pistol training classes at other places and yours is absolutely top notch. You gave me the individual attention I needed to compensate for my particular shooting weaknesses. This helped me make significantly more progress than I could have otherwise. Also, your teaching style is very thorough, safety conscious, and reflects a real understanding of how people learn. I can't say enough good things about your course and I'd recommend it to anyone!
~Mandy Bright, Triangle, VA
I enjoyed your class on defensive shooting last week. I have, without any exaggeration, probably shot in the tens of thousands of rounds over the years, but had never taken a course like yours. There is a big difference in competitive shooting and defensive shooting. I learned several new and important things in your course that I had never heard before. I would recommend your course without reservation.
~Elijah Hartford, LaPlata, MD
Jason, I believe the Defensive Rifle course provided an excellent foundation for safely handling and effectively employing a rifle. From zeroing the rifle, understanding the proper way to use a sling, to clearing jams/malfunctions, performing smooth reloads, and accurately putting rounds on target, your instruction was outstanding! I greatly increased my competency and confidence in using the rifle in a self-defense role. Well done!
~Gerry Kennedy, Ashburn, VA
Concealed Carry's Advanced Pistol Course was superb! Since attendees were by invitation only, all were strong experienced shooters, which allowed us to quickly jump into new drills and skills most of us had never seen. Students worked extensively on single hand drills including reloading and malfunctions, as well as working in teams, shooting while moving, and shooting from behind cover. Drills were timed and through the day everyone developed rapidly. As with Jason's other courses, this course was practical and full of real world tips and tricks not available to most.
~Henry Bashford, Centreville, VA
I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how much I enjoy your newsletters. I really appreciate your genuine and direct approach to things that really work. You are helping us all to stay safer, and I am grateful.
~Seth McKinney
P.S. I also have your book and found it enjoyable reading and full of helpful.
I just wanted to thank you for a great course this past weekend. I've taken several pistol courses and your one-day course covered topics that took up to three days to cover at other shooting schools. I learned a lot and got some great practice in. I'll keep on the lookout for one of your Advanced Pistol courses (probably this Spring since we're getting into holiday season now).
~Marty Wilson, Alexandria, VA